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Loss and damages mechanism, the paradox of holding the COP in Dubai, phasing out fossil fuels: all you need to know about COP28.
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Are governments in the driving seat regarding climate change? The op-ed of climate expert Lola Vallejo.
Discover the topics that have kept our scientific community busy since the start of the academic year.
In this situation of dismal surprise, the unity and resolve of the EU and its member states has been tested and, to the surprise of many, if not most observers, the EU actually responded swiftly and with ambition, Matthias Thiemann notes in an article.
In this episode, Nonna Mayer, a specialist in radical ideologies and populism, answers questions regarding the rise of right-wing populism in France and Europe at large.
Social networks pose very complex challenges to governments. Those who want to sell news have become very good at creating clickbaits on negative news, knowing that we are naturally more sensitive to this kind of news.
How and by whom are the dominant narratives on migrations produced? How do they impact public policy, individuals and society as a whole?
In the fallout of the 2008 crisis, macroprudential policy has been installed as the policy remedy against future financial instability, a primary focus being developments in the real estate sector.
Decay, frugality, green growth; so many concepts that invite us to rethink our growth appeal as it dominated the 20th century.
For the next five years, Brenda Van Coppenolle will be leading a large comparative project on "Political Lotteries in European Democratisation" (POLLOT)
The French National Consultative Commission for Human Rights (CNCDH) has just published its 2022 annual report on the fight against racism, antisemitism and xenophobia. Nonna Mayer, Vincent Tiberj, Yuma Ando and Tommaso Vitale contributed to the report by analysing data from the "racism barometer".
What do social movements have to say about climate change? What is their role in local and global governance of climate change? How do climate activists coordinate alternative futures in a postapocalyptic present?