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Federico Varese: "Mafias: A Form of States?"

Federico Varese joined the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics as a Professor of Sociology in February 2023, following a distinguished career at the University of Oxford where he held the position of Sociology Department Chair.

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Federico Varese: "Mafias: A Form of States?"

Federico Varese joined the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics as a Professor of Sociology in February 2023, following a distinguished career at the University of Oxford where he held the position of Sociology Department Chair.

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Pension reform, 49.3... CEE's members contribute to the debate" - with Bruno Palier

In early 2023, as the reform project for the pension system being debated in the French parliament generates significant social mobilization, Bruno Palier, CNRS research director in political science, reflects on the history and evolution of pension systems in Europe, as well as the French welfare state through the prism of gender.

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Pension reform, 49.3... CEE's members contribute to the debate" - with Bruno Palier

In early 2023, as the reform project for the pension system being debated in the French parliament generates significant social mobilization, Bruno Palier, CNRS research director in political science, reflects on the history and evolution of pension systems in Europe, as well as the French welfare state through the prism of gender.

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"Propagations" - by Dominique Boullier

La pandémie de Covid-19 a mis en évidence à quel point les processus de propagation affectent nos vies en profondeur. Mais elle révèle aussi comment se propagent des informations, des consignes, des rumeurs...

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"Propagations" - by Dominique Boullier

La pandémie de Covid-19 a mis en évidence à quel point les processus de propagation affectent nos vies en profondeur. Mais elle révèle aussi comment se propagent des informations, des consignes, des rumeurs...

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"Collective Memory is a Political Construction" - with Sandrine Lefranc

The existence of a collective memory, consistent, undeniable, and shared by all, has become ingrained in our thinking.

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"Collective Memory is a Political Construction" - with Sandrine Lefranc

The existence of a collective memory, consistent, undeniable, and shared by all, has become ingrained in our thinking.

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"Women and Right-Wing Voting" - with Nonna Mayer

Election after election, radical right-wing and populist parties are increasingly present in European parliaments and governments.

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"Women and Right-Wing Voting" - with Nonna Mayer

Election after election, radical right-wing and populist parties are increasingly present in European parliaments and governments.

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"The Reform of Health Studies in France: A Complexification of the System Missing the Essential" - with William Genieys

The reform of health studies, incorporated in the law of July 24, 2019, and in effect since the 2020 academic year, ended the "Première année commune aux études de santé" (PACES, First Common Year of Health Studies) and the numerus clausus.

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"The Reform of Health Studies in France: A Complexification of the System Missing the Essential" - with William Genieys

The reform of health studies, incorporated in the law of July 24, 2019, and in effect since the 2020 academic year, ended the "Première année commune aux études de santé" (PACES, First Common Year of Health Studies) and the numerus clausus.

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Gabriel Feltran: "Studying the Governance of Transnational Illegal Markets"

Drawing upon his ethnographic investigations in urban peripheries, Gabriel Feltran explores the dynamics of governance, power, violence, and normative regimes, particularly within illegal or criminal value chains.

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Gabriel Feltran: "Studying the Governance of Transnational Illegal Markets"

Drawing upon his ethnographic investigations in urban peripheries, Gabriel Feltran explores the dynamics of governance, power, violence, and normative regimes, particularly within illegal or criminal value chains.

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