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La pandémie de Covid-19 a mis en évidence à quel point les processus de propagation affectent nos vies en profondeur. Mais elle révèle aussi comment se propagent des informations, des consignes, des rumeurs...
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The existence of a collective memory, consistent, undeniable, and shared by all, has become ingrained in our thinking.
Election after election, radical right-wing and populist parties are increasingly present in European parliaments and governments.
The reform of health studies, incorporated in the law of July 24, 2019, and in effect since the 2020 academic year, ended the "Premi ère année commune aux études de santé" (PACES, First Common Year of Health Studies) and the numerus clausus.
The reform of health studies, incorporated in the law of July 24, 2019, and in effect since the 2020 academic year, ended the "Première année commune aux études de santé" (PACES, First Common Year of Health Studies) and the numerus clausus.
Drawing upon his ethnographic investigations in urban peripheries, Gabriel Feltran explores the dynamics of governance, power, violence, and normative regimes, particularly within illegal or criminal value chains.
A widely held opinion is that many electoral promises "only engage those who listen to them
Since the 1990s, many countries have sought to negotiate a transition to peace after mass violence. In her latest book, Sandrine Lefranc examines the parameters for success.
"Cities and Migrations: Cross-Perspectives on Interdependencies" is the title of the doctoral study day organized by Marcela Alonso Ferreira, Jean-Baptiste Chambon, Soazig Dollet, and Viviane Spitzhofer, doctoral candidates at CEE
"The Ecology of War: A New Paradigm for Europe?" is the title of the roundtable organized by the Center for European Studies and Comparative Politics on November 23, 2022, at Sciences Po, focusing on the second issue of the GREEN journal. Pierre Charbonnier, philosopher and CNRS research associate who directed this issue, presents the concept of "ecology of war."
What are society's reactions to terrorism? What does the trial of the November 13, 2015 attacks tell us? What responses can our democracy provide? A collective of researchers from diverse disciplines aimed to answer these questions by studying the proceedings of the trial of the November 13, 2015 attacks, known as the V13 trial.