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His work centers around the environmental history of ideas and the forms of power associated with the governance of nature in modern societies.
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Her research lies at the intersection of European studies and comparative politics. Natasha Wunsch is particularly interested in how European integration influences political transformation in candidate countries and, conversely, the impact of democratic regression and illiberal trends within certain member states on cooperation at the European level.
She talks about her career and her experience as a young teacher-researcher.
As part of the Horizon 2020 COESO Project, Jessica Pidoux is conducting a postdoctoral research at the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE). She presents her multifaceted background and shares her experience as a young researcher.
She talks about her career and her experience as a young researcher.
Fitting more broadly into the field of study on political parties and their transformations, Arthur Borriello's current work focuses on contemporary populist movements and more particularly on Podemos (Spain), the 5 Star Movement (Italy) and the France Insoumise (France).