Home>Alumni Profiles: Asma's Exeprience


Alumni Profiles: Asma's Exeprience

Asma, Sciences Po PreCollege alumnus (credits: Azzouzi)

What are you currently studying in university and what are you doing today?

I joined Sciences Po Paris in 2018 to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and Humanities. I majored in Politics and Government and I chose to specialize in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean studies which has led me to spend years on the breath-taking campus of Menton, in the South of France. After graduating in June 2021, I decided to take a gap year to gain professional experience.

When did you participate in the Sciences Summer School? What motivated you to participate?

I was one of the lucky participants of the first edition of the Pre-College Programme in 2017. At the time, I was dreaming of joining Sciences Po and I looked forward to applying to the Undergraduate College. I was amazed by everything this programme was offering. Spending three weeks as a Sciences Po student and discovering the social sciences with brilliant international students was clearly an opportunity I could not miss.

What did you learn from the Summer School that helped you in your university studies?

The Summer School gave me a taste of what academic and student life looked like at Sciences Po. Thanks to the Summer School, l I knew exactly why I wanted to join Sciences Po. During my first year at Sciences Po, I was able to build on the methods I learnt over the summer a year ago and it helped me become more flexible in my learning process.

What did you like most about the Summer School? Favourite memory?

We had the chance to attend a conference by Professor Nonna Mayer during the programme. It was an incredible and very impressive moment for me. When following the French elections of 2017, I came across Professor Mayer’s research and I read several of her papers and articles. I even assisted online conferences in which she was debriefing the results of the election. I felt honoured to have had the chance to listen to her and to interact with her in an amphitheatre with other students. I still remember which amphitheatre it was - Leroy-Beaulieu. Keep it in mind if you ever visit the flagship campus of Sciences Po! : )

Why have you chosen to apply to Sciences Po after the Summer School?

I had no doubt I wanted to apply to Sciences Po’s Undergraduate College, but I was quite unsure as to whether I would be able to follow the pace and content of the classes. The Summer School helped me confirm my choice as I really enjoyed being immersed in the challenging environment and the international openness offered at Sciences Po.

What do you know now that you wish you knew before you started your post-secondary studies?

I was too stressed about making sure I was following the right path. In the beginning, I was trying to plan everything ahead for the next five years because I wanted to make the most out of my Sciences Po experience. The truth is that Sciences Po opens unexpected doors and opportunities that sometimes do not fall into the initial plan, but that will make you grow out of your comfort zone. I was also convinced that I had to follow a certain path to be considered successful and to realize my dreams. Just follow your intuition. Do the things you truly like, without overthinking the risks and implications, and don’t be afraid to embark on unique yet amazing journeys.

What advice would you give students considering the Summer School and further studies at Sciences Po?

Some practical advice I can give and that has actually helped me a lot during my time at Sciences Po, is to connect with as many current students and alumni as you can. Ask questions about student life, academics, career goals, previous internships, or exchanges abroad. Every Sciences Po student has a different experience and perspective, and it’s truly enriching to get advice from diverse people.

What extracurricular activities did you participate in and why? How did these activities impact your studies?

I took part into MEDMUN and Bureau des Arts (BDA) during my time in Menton. I chose to limit myself to two associations to be 100% involved in each one. I joined MEDMUN after having done MUN for almost three years in high school, and I have always done artistic activities so joining the BDA was quite obvious for me. I also wanted to create an impact through education and culture, and I believe that MEDMUN and BDA were a great platform to launch innovative projects. The two years I spent working for both organizations made me realize that I was thriving when working in a challenging environment, building capabilities through team projects, and trying to have a positive impact on my surroundings.

What are you looking forward to doing in the near future?

I would like to join a management consulting firm, ideally in the MENA region, for the same reasons aforementioned, and to be able to serve my region and its people.

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