Home>Brenda Van Coppenolle: “Random selection to open up the political system?"


Brenda Van Coppenolle: “Random selection to open up the political system?"

For the next five years, Brenda Van Coppenolle will be leading a large comparative project on "Political Lotteries in European Democratisation", to find out how random selection of individuals to make political decisions can widen access to the political system, both in the past and today. Brenda Van Coppenolle joined the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE) as a Senior Research Fellow in May 2023. In this video, she talks about her career so far, her research project, and her reasons for choosing to join the CEE and Sciences Po for this project supported by and ERC Starting Grant.

Transcription of the video (PDF, 52 Ko)

Traduction française de l'interview (PDF, 51 Ko)