Home>The CEE talks to Sergei Guriev
The CEE talks to Sergei Guriev
In this new podcast, Sergei Guriev, Sciences Po Provost, talks to members of Sciences Po's research centres to convey a multidisciplinary approach to major contemporary questions.
In this second season, Conversations with Sergei Guriev explores the challenges facing democracies, autocracies and populists.
Conversation with Sergei Guriev - Brenda Van Coppenolle on Political Leaders : From Dynasties to Lotteries
Conversations with Sergei Guriev - Nonna Mayer on Women's Vote for the Extreme Right
Conversations with Sergei Guriev - Emiliano Grossman on Governing Well Under Social Media
This first season focuses on environmental transformation through issues such as citizen mobilisation, public policy, international negotiations and the historical roots of society's relationship with the environment.
Charlotte Halpern, Joost de Moor and Thomas Kayzel explain their projects and research into environmental and climate change.