Home>Claire | Green entrepreneur, les Pépites Vertes
Claire | Green entrepreneur, les Pépites Vertes
A 2019 graduate of the From the Master in Innovation & Digital Transformation, Claire Pétreault describes herself as a member of the “Climate Generation”: a generation of youth who refuse to work in a career that has a negative impact on the environment. The prolific entrepreneur invests her abundance of energy into working for the climate transition and helping other young people find their path, in addition to working as Head of Communications for ChangeNow.
Finding your dream environmentally-friendly job as a young graduate isn’t always easy. To help Sciences Po students discover new career possibilities in this field, Claire co-founded in May 2020 the Facebook group “Sciences Po en Transition”, which now has more than 2,000 members. She also created her own media, Les Pépites Vertes, meeting and showcasing a large diversity of young people working for the climate transition. Youtube videos, podcasts, advice, guides and a long list of portraits: this voluntary project tries to compile all the resources you need to find a job defending the environment just out of university. Claire’s motto: “The future is not what will happen to us, but it is what we will do”.