Home>Congratulations to Andreas Eisl and Weiting Chao


Congratulations to Andreas Eisl and Weiting Chao

On January 30th, 2023, Weiting Chao and Andreas Eisl both made a brilliant end to their PhD by defending their thesis in political science.

Andreas Eisl defended his thesis "The politics of budgetary constraints: an ideational explanation for the variation in national fiscal frameworks in the eurozone", jointly supervised by Emiliano Grossman (Sciences Po, CEE) and Martin Hopner (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies). The jury also include André Kaiser, Vivien Schmidt, Matthias Thiemann and Cornelia Woll. This PhD work aimed at understanding the variation in national fiscal frameworks that have been negotiated and implemented during the European public debt crisis. Dr. Andreas Eisl now makes use of these research findings to propose concrete policy recommendations for European fiscal policy-making and institutions as a member of  the Jacques Delors Institute.  

Weiting Chao defended her thesis entitled "Trade or cheat? The politically embedded opportunity structure for offenders in the commodification of carbon permits", supervised by Colin Hay, before a jury also including Jean-Yves Caneill, Christian de Perthuis, Christian Egenhofer, Andy Smith, Matthias Thiemann and Cornelia Woll. In her thesis, Dr. Weiting Chao examined how criminal activities accompany the creation of markets, by studying the European emissions trading scheme.

Congratulations to our two new PhDs! We wish them continued success in their subsequent careers.