Home>Congratulations to Mattia Lupi on his PhD defence
Congratulations to Mattia Lupi on his PhD defence
Congratulations to Dr. Mattia Lupi, who defended his PhD thesis on October 2nd, 2024!
The thesis, entitled "Steering from Within: the Bank of Italy’s Path to Modern Central Banking (1963‑1981)", was supervised by Matthias Thiemann. It examines the evolution of central banking through a detailed study of the Bank of Italy (Banca d'Italia) during the ‘long 1970s,’ offering a critical reassessment of conventional views on central bank independence. Contrary to the prevailing belief that central banks were passive actors during the Bretton Woods era, the Banca d’Italia exercised significant political influence and autonomy, actively shaping policy responses to crises. By uncovering the historical roots of this ‘independence-power,’ the thesis challenges functionalist explanations of central bank independence, arguing that political dynamics and historical contexts, rather than economic necessity, were key drivers of institutional change. The thesis also critiques the dominant focus on convergence and policy diffusion in central banking studies, emphasizing the importance of national case studies to capture the heterogeneity of central bank practices. Through its exploration of Italy's unique trajectory, the thesis contributes to a broader
understanding of the contingent and contested nature of central banking, highlighting the role of central banks as powerful political actors whose boundaries and influence evolve in response to shifting domestic and international pressures.
The jury was composed of Nathan Coombs (University of Edinburgh), Eric Monnet (EHESS), Manuela Moschella (University of Bologna), Matthias Thiemann (Sciences Po, CEE – PhD supervisor), Leon Wansleben (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies).
Mattia Lupi is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bologna (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna), working on the project "New Conflicts' Mapping in the age of Globalization".