Home>Nina, International Public Management


Nina, International Public Management

Nina Meiniche has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Public Management (now called International Governance and Diplomacy). She works as ESG Analyst at PFA Asset Management in Copenhagen, Denmark.

>What skills and/or strategy helped you to succeed at PSIA?

With 7-8 courses per semester – including associated readings, presentations, sit-ins and assignments – I think my most valuable skill and strategy was time management, boring as it may be! 

What part of your PSIA experience do you think will be of greatest help in your career?

At PSIA, you get to conduct loads of 5-10-minute presentations and write plenty of short assignments about topics you might not know the slightest thing about at the onset. These experiences taught me how to obtain new information fast, identify the essence of the issue at hand, and provide logical and concise arguments, all of which I am already benefitting from at work.

What advice would you give to current and future PSIA students?

Team up with your co-students, be it for group-work, course readings or individual assignments. Considering new perspectives enlarges your own understanding of the subject and being "in it together” always helps when things get tough at the end of the semester - and it's a lot more fun!


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