Home>Philipp, International Security
Philipp, International Security
Philipp Oberthür> has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Security. He is Advisor with the German Agency for International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ)
What skills and/or strategy helped you to succeed at PSIA?
What's helped me a lot is proper time management and structure. Keeping a list with all your deadlines and assignment progress helps you not only to submit things on time but also to make sure you have enough spare time just for yourself.
What part of your PSIA experience do you think will be of greatest help in your career?
I believe what's incredibly useful is the skill to delve into a new, unfamiliar topic very quickly, understand the key aspects, and be able to form a solid opinion even under high time pressure.
What advice would you give to current and future PSIA students?
PSIA provides a broad range of courses to choose from - let your interests guide you in your choices, not what you think might look better on your CV.