Home>"The Reform of Health Studies in France: A Complexification of the System Missing the Essential" - with William Genieys
"The Reform of Health Studies in France: A Complexification of the System Missing the Essential" - with William Genieys
The reform of health studies, incorporated in the law of July 24, 2019, and in effect since the 2020 academic year, ended the "Première année commune aux études de santé" (PACES, First Common Year of Health Studies) and the numerus clausus. In an article published in the journal The Medical Teacher, political scientists Matthias Brunn, post-doctoral researcher at LIEPP, and William Genieys, CNRS research director at CEE, demonstrate that this reform has made the entry into health studies more complex while missing one of its main objectives: "putting an end to human waste."
An article from January 2023, to be read on the website of the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences (InSHS) of CNRS.