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Interview with Laure Cardinal, a graduate of the Master Regional and Urban Strategy (STU), recipient of the civil service of regional administrator (INET) and now Financials Controls Manager for the City of Saint-Denis
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Sonia Dridi (‘08) is an accomplished foreign correspondent with experience in multiple countries. Currently, she reports for France24, RTBF, and BFMTV in Washington DC. She is an accredited White House correspondent, presently the only French journalist in the Foreign Press Group, and is in the heart of US politics with access on occasion to the Oval Office.
Chris Milligan built a distinguished career focused on international development, especially in countries undergoing political transitions or other crises. His work at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) spanned over thirty years and many countries from South America to Southeast Asia. He has helped lead efforts to rebuild societies devastated by conflict and natural disasters, improve effectiveness of foreign assistance, and guide complex political discussions.
sustainable development. With experience at international organizations such as the World Bank, the OECD, and the Green Climate Fund, as well as direct involvement in local governance as a city councilor in Burgundy, his work has deeply engaged on multiple levels in addressing economic and social challenges
Mélissa has graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. She is National Project Manager at UN Women, coordinating the implementation of the AECID Regional Care Project, in the Dominican Republic.
Sarah has graduated in International Governance and Diplomacy from PSIA. During her second year, she participated in the selective “apprenticeship track” which allows students to spend their 2nd year of Master's between work and school. Sarah completed her apprenticeship in the Diversity & Inclusion Department at Axa France. She is about to start a Blue Book Traineeship at the European External Action Service (EEAS) within the Gender and Diversity Taskforce.
Meet an alumnus who became a professor and researcher in internation affairs after a thesis on the EU crisis management in the Sahel.
Boglarka has graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. Coming from Hungary, she is Senior Inter-Agency Coordination Associate chairing the Refugee Coordination Forum in Hungary at the UNHCR.
Nikhita has graduated in International Security with concentrations in Global Risks and Methods. Coming from Inida, Nikhita currently works in Paris at AWS as a Data Center Security Specialist.
Between the School of Research at Sciences Po and the ENS Lyon, Alizé Norbelly looks back on her academic career in gender studies.
Lora has graduated in International Governance and Diplomacy, with a concentration in Media and Writing. Currently, she serves as an Associate Project Officer at UNESCO, where she focuses on advancing gender equality.
A political economist, Zsófia Barta joined Sciences Po and the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics in December. She tells us about her research on the politics of public debt in prosperous countries.
Monica Celorio Soto has graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. Coming from Mexico, she is Evaluation, Reporting and Monitoring Associate Programme Officer for the Global Programme on Criminal Network Disruption of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime at its headquarters in Vienna, Austria.
Eleonora Rugiero completed the Urban Policy double diploma with the London School of Economics (LSE) and is currently Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Grigny.
Her passion for political science and gender studies led this graduate to undertake a thesis on bias in the judicial handling of intimate partner homicides.
From Master in Public Policy, Policy Stream Global Health, to in charge of receiving and regulating alerts at the Ministry of Health's Health Crisis Center.
Meet an alumna who advises and supports political action, from illicit trafficking in the Sahel to rebuilding Iraqi Kurdistan.
Fabio Thoma graduated with a Master in International Development, dual degree with Freie Universität in Political Science. Fabio also earned a Master's in Data Science from Mannheim Business School.
Charles graduated with a Master's degree in International Energy Transitions from PSIA. During his second year, he participated in the selective apprenticeship track. This program allows students to spend their 2nd year of Master between work and school. He completed his apprenticeship at the European Affairs Directorate of the Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA) in Saclay.
Anna graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action with a concentration in Diplomacy. Originally from France, she works at the Delegation of the European Union to the OECD and UNESCO in Paris.
Originally from China, Chuying Pan graduated in International Development and now works as a Community Management and Events Specialist at the World Economic Forum
Belgian and Lebanese, Pauline El Khoury has graduated in International Governance and Diplomacy, dual degree with LSE. She works at the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU.
A programme Officer at the UNDRR Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean and Regional Focal Point for Youth Engagement and LGBTIQ+ inclusion.
Originally from Bangladesh, Dr. Mobarak Hossain graduated in International Development from PSIA and completed a PhD in Social Policy at the University of Oxford. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Policy at the London School of Economics in London.