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Hortense Chauvin did a bachelor in History and Literature at McGill University, followed by a joint master in journalism and environmental policy at Sciences Po. When she graduated, in 2021, she was hired by Reporterre, an independent French media company specialising in ecological issues.
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Asgerdur Asgeirsdottir is Director of Communications and Startegy at the Arctic Circle in Reykjavik, Iceland. She graduated in the Master in International Public Management (now International Governance and Diplomacy)
Meet the new Chairholder of Sciences Po's European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition
Two Sciences Po students relate their experience as ambassadors of the “Climate x” pilot.
Virginie Vial is the executive director of the SAMOA URBAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT AGENCY in Nantes, France. She graduated from the Urban Planning Programme in 1996. She worked for Euro Disney's real estate development team before joining SAMOA in 2009.
NEOFARM is based on the alliance between agroecology and technology. It relieves farmers of tedious and low-value-added tasks. The farms are equipped with an automated gantry that moves over the crops.
A 2008 graduate, she recounts the academic and professional path which led her to Haiti, where she now works for the United Nations.
Lynn Seland has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Governance and Diplomacy. Seland: "I am a very organized person in general and this was definitely useful andnecessary"
Interview with Kéthevane Gorjestani, graduate from the Dual Degree Sciences Po/Columbia
Interview with Sharon Aronowicz, graduate from the Joint Master in Journalism and International Affairs
Mila has graduated from Sciences Po with a Master in International Governance and Diplomacy. She is currently working for the International Rescue Committee in Milan.
Ana Lucia Londono Ramirez has graduated Summa Cum Laude in Environmental Policy. She shares her thoughts on her time at PSIA and her advice to future students.
A 2022 graduate of the School of Public Affairs, Marcio Boka chose the path of entrepreneurship.
Giacomo Ceci has graduated Summa Cum Laude in InternationalDevelopment. Ceci: PSIA taught me how to cooperate successfully in a multicultural environment.
Alexis Cheney has graduated Summa Cuma Laude in International Public Management. She also has a dual degree in International Governance and Diplomacy from Columbia. Cheney is a consultant on the World Bank's Women, Business and the Law project.
Cédric Colmar has graduated Summa Cum Laude in the Master in Advanced Global Studies 1-year program. He works as a veterinary public health inspector for the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food sovereignty.
Martha Fiehn graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Economic Policy. She is currently a research assistant at Harvard University in the Economics Department. She offers her advice to current and future PSIA students.
Anne Geschke graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Energy at PSIA. She gives her advice to current and future PSIA students.
Caroline Mícek has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Economic Policy. Her advice to current and future PSIA students is to enjoy the experience.
Fabian Schmidt-Gödelitz has graduated Summa Cum Laude in Human Rights & Humanitarian Action. Fabian shares his advice for current and future PSIA students.
Wiola Stasieluk works as a Junior Policy Analyst at the Crises & Fragility at the OECD. Her daily tasks range from building partnerships, organising events, and preparing some contracts.
Erik Rubinyi is a Financial Analyst for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) He has a dual degree in International Economic Policy with Columbia University. He is in the Office of Mortgage Markets.
From the Master in Public Policy, Digital, New Technology and Public Policy stream, to Digital Policy Advisor to German Social Democrat Tiemo Wölken