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From the Master in Public Affairs, general stream, to Senior Manager of CSR and Corporate Citizenship at Disneyland Paris
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Marie-Monique Steckel has been President of the French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) in New York since 2004. As Steckel prepares to move on from her 17-year leadership of FIAF, the Sciences Po American Foundation would like to pay her homage with an alumni portrait. In this interview, Steckel reflects on her career, how curiosity has propelled her life, and what her next steps may be.
Christian Kaufholz is a Global Leadership Fellow with the World Economic Forum. He manages affiliate programs under the World Economic Forum’s Global Plastic Action Partnership, which tackles the plastic pollution crisis around the world.
Jean is a French-Lebanese student who attended the 2019 Pre-College Programme and is currently studying at Sciences Po.
Lauranne de Lathauwer is Political Attaché at the EU Delegation to Barbados. She is in charge of monitoring political developments, the rule of law and corruption.
Joost de Moor joined Sciences Po and the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics as an Assistant Professor in the autumn of 2021. His research and teaching revolve around environmental policy, social movements, and political participation, utilizing quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods as well as comparative models and case studies.
Andrew Ziaja is a Sciences Po masters graduate who recently transitioned to a role as a labor lawyer in the Contempt, Compliance, and Special Litigation Branch of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
From the Master in Public Policy, Energy, Environment and Sustainability stream, apprenticeship programme, to the Corps of Engineers of Bridges, Water and Forests
Xinqing Lu has graduated in the One-Year Master in Advanced Global Studies, Environmental Policy track. She is Community Specialist at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, Switzerland.
Valentin Messmer is a Public Sector Analyst at the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg. He is part of the EIB’s Sub-Saharan Africa team. His role is to identify, appraise and manage projects in the public sector.
Cécile is project manager for prison and justice projects at APIJ. She has a Master's degree in Urban Planning and Sustainable SustainableDevelopment Law. She is trained in law and the environment with contracting authority management.
Wiam Aimade works as a consultant at the highly specialised startegyconsutling company ReD Associates. He is responsible for conducting ethnographic and mixed qualitative methods research.
Asma participated in the 2017 PreCollege Programme
Lauren Roy is Project Lead in the Ecosystems Unit at the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) She studied Environmental Policy at PSIA and worked as a special assistant to a Member of Parliament in Canada.
An unprecedented occurrence: Cambridge’ prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)—globally recognized for their programs in hard sciences (scientific and technological research)—backed the application of Grace Moore, one of their students, for the Michel David-Weill Scholarship. Hear more from the promising recipient.
Her research is characterized by the interest for comparative approaches, with a focus on socio-political contextualisation (localism, political subcultures, dynamics of territorial anchorage of political parties). Her methodological skills are predominantly qualitative, with a consolidated experience in interviewing (structured, semi-structured and ethnographic interviews), focus groups, participant observation, and archival research.
Floriane is Manager and Adaptation Lead at The Carbon Trust. She is passionate about climate change and the urban world. She has worked in Colombia, South Africa, China and the USA.
Elise Lauriot dit Prevost has graduated in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action. She is a jurist in a law firm specialized in the fields of International Criminal Law, Human rights and Terrorism.
Mattia Tomay is a Bluebook trainee at the European Commission. She is responsible for policy co-ordination in the areas of the digital transition, industry and single market. She has worked in the Middle East and North Africa Division of the OECD.
Gaia is Government and PublicPolicy Consultant at PwC France. She is also co-founder of the Carbon Neutrality Challenge. The challenge is open to Sciences Po Master’s students only.
Ronald is a Research Engineer at EDF in the Energy Foresight &Strategic Support group. He did the International Energy masters at Sciences Po with the objective to expand his professional opportunities. He is currently working on the decarbonisation of the energy sector.
From the Master in Public Policy, Energy, Environment and Sustainability stream, to Advisor to the Managing Director of the IFC, part of the World Bank Group