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Daniel Levy is the owner and founder of Illustraction Gallery, a premiere online art gallery devoted to selling high-end vintage movie and music posters using e-commerce and social media campaigns. He was previously a senior international marketing and entertainment executive working for Sony Music. Levy’s dynamic career began with his five years as a student at Sciences Po, an experience he believes developed the cultural understanding that has helped him succeed professionally.
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Alejandra is Research Assistant to Professor Shiv Someshwar, Chair of the European Chair for Sustainable Devlopment and Climate Transition. She is involved in many activities related to advancing sustainable development and climate transition.
Her research interests include comparative politics, gender and politics, political behaviour and representation, and public opinion.
Shreya has graduated from the Master in InternationalSecurity. She is Junior Assesment Officer at REACH Initiative in Jordan. Her role entails analyzing data to provide a more informed and impactful project implementation.
Yunqing graduated in 2017 with a Master in Governing the Large Metropolis. She is now a technical manager at C40 Cities in Beijing. Her job is to help cities manage their climate policies.
Amanda Marsted is a Managing Director at CIBC Private Wealth Management in New York. In this capacity, she has been a senior relationship and portfolio manager for the last seven years. After more than 20 years working in the industry, Marsted reflects fondly on her experiences at Sciences Po. Although her time at Sciences Po was relatively short, she remarks that it granted her some life changing opportunities.
From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, to Advisor to the Chairman of Publicis Media
Hyojeong is the CEO and founder of NomadHer, an app for female globetrotters to encourage solo travelling safely. She graduated from the Master in International Developement.
Gilles Bransbourg graduated from Sciences Po with a degree in Economy and Finance and worked in banking before changing paths to pursue a PhD in history. Today, he balances his interests in research and business as the Executive Director of the American Numismatic Society, a US research institution founded in 1858, dedicated to the study and public appreciation of coins, currencies, medals, and other related objects, and, more generally, the advancement of monetary and currency literacy.
His work centers around the environmental history of ideas and the forms of power associated with the governance of nature in modern societies.
Vanessa Miler-Fels is the Director of Energy Innovation and Impact at Microsoft and a graduate of Science Po’s Master in Public Affairs. Miler-Fels describes a longtime interest in public affairs, particularly international public affairs, that drew her to pursue a Sciences Po education. “I grew up in an international setting and lived in a few countries growing up, and I knew I wanted to have a career that could allow me to work across cultures,” she says, “and ideally where I could be a bridge between cultures.”
Her research lies at the intersection of European studies and comparative politics. Natasha Wunsch is particularly interested in how European integration influences political transformation in candidate countries and, conversely, the impact of democratic regression and illiberal trends within certain member states on cooperation at the European level.
She talks about her career and her experience as a young teacher-researcher.
As part of the Horizon 2020 COESO Project, Jessica Pidoux is conducting a postdoctoral research at the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE). She presents her multifaceted background and shares her experience as a young researcher.
She talks about her career and her experience as a young researcher.
This article was originally published in December 2017.
This article was originally published in August 2017. Lukas Drammeh was born in Hamburg, Germany, and has lived in multiple countries in West Africa. He attended the Sciences Po Campus of Reims, where he pursued the Europe-Africa programme. Former president of the BDE (Bureau des Élèves) and captain of the Europe-Africa basketball team, Lukas is about to embark on his third year abroad, during which he will matriculate to UNC Chapel Hill in the United States.
45 days, 4 countries, 2,500 kilometres – and all of it by bike... Angèle Paty, a former student of the Europe–North America programme on the Sciences Po Reims Campus has set herself a major challenge. After her third year abroad at the University of St Andrews came to an abrupt and unfortunate end due to the pandemic, Paty launched the project SAORSA, meaning “freedom” in Scottish Gaelic. She has made it her mission to return to Scotland by cycling all the way to the Shetland Islands from her hometown of Montpellier – on her own, on muscle power alone. We asked her a few questions before she set off.
Fitting more broadly into the field of study on political parties and their transformations, Arthur Borriello's current work focuses on contemporary populist movements and more particularly on Podemos (Spain), the 5 Star Movement (Italy) and the France Insoumise (France).
From the Master in Public Policy, Public Administration stream, to Foreign Affairs Adviser at the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
From the Master in Public Policy, dual degree at Sciences Po and HEC, to Associate Consultant at Nordmann
From the dual Master in European Affairs with the London School of Economics, to consultant at YCE partners
From the Master in Public Policy to consultant at YCE
From the Master in Public Policy to Public Affairs Manager at Ulterïa