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Tara Heuzé, a student on the Sciences Po-Columbia dual Master's programme, launched an initiative to collect sanitary products for homeless women. The operation, dubbed "Règles élémentaires", helped raise awareness well beyond Sciences Po. Interview with a student who wants use the weapons of finance to change the world.
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Alyette Tritsch, a student in first year of the Master of International Development at the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po, initiated the Welcome Refugees project along with a group of students. Thanks to them, Sciences Po has welcomed a group of refugees in recent weeks to take courses in French and English. We asked her about this successful move to action.
An American student at the Sciences Po School of Public Affairs in the Master of Public Policy, Arsh Haque talks about his motivations for studying in France, his early days in Paris and everyday life on the Sciences Po campus.
Vu Tran was born in Vietnam and moved to Singapore at the age of fifteen. He introduces himself as “a social sciences person”, so when he started looking into undergraduate studies outside Singapore he saw Sciences Po as the perfect fit. Vu Tran talked to us about his life on the Sciences Po campus in Le Havre.
Andrea Klaric graduated with a Master’s in European Affairs in 2013, but she is still nostalgic about the halls of the Sciences Po campus in Paris, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume.
Tommaso Venturini, research fellow at the Sciences Po Medialab, is the scientific coordinator of EMAPS, the only social sciences project among the 12 winners of the 2015 "Étoiles de l’Europe" prize (Fr) that recognises research teams for their commitment to Europe.
Pierre Hassner, international relations specialist and research fellow at CERI Sciences Po, analyses contemporary global affairs in his latest book, La revanche des passions. Métamorphoses de la violence et crises du politique (The Revenge of the Passions. Metamorphoses of Violence and Political Crisis), published by Fayard in 2015. Interview.
Katrin Büchenbacher, a graduate student at the Sciences Po School of Communication, talks about the discoveries she made during the career building workshop at Sciences Po. She discusses why knowing who you are is all-important when it comes to defining your career plan.
Luca Springer, a student in the dual BA programme between Columbia University and Sciences Po, is one of only 89 recipients of the prestigious Rhodes scholarship. The Rhodes Trust seeks students of “outstanding intellect, character, leadership, and commitment to service” who “demonstrate a strong propensity to emerge as ‘leaders of the world’s future.’”
Natalie Welfens, a graduate from the Sciences Po-Freie Universität Berlin dual Master’s programme, is the 2015 recipient of the Université Franco-Allemande Excellence Award. She talked to us about what she took away from this joint French and German programme.
Nora Poggi is a Sciences Po Master of Communications and the Director-Producer of the award-winning documentary film, "She Started It" on women tech entrepreneurs. The film was named one of "5 Must-Watch Movies for Entrepreneurs in 2017" by Inc Magazine and was shown at over 300 events, at Harvard University, Columbia University, Yale University, Stanford University, The World Bank, Disney, Google, Apple, Micros
After a visiting scholarship at Nuffield College, University of Oxford, Mathieu Ichou successfully completed his PhD in 2014. In 2015, he was awarded the European Consortium for Sociological Research prize for his thesis, “The origins of academic inequalities: a contribution to the study of the academic trajectories of children of immigrants in France and England”.
Ramiar Jamal is an undergraduate student from the University of Kurdistan Hewler (Erbil) in Iraqi Kurdistan. Currently on an exchange programme on the Sciences Po campus in Reims, Ramiar tells about his life in France and what surprised him the most about the Western mindset and values.
The Emile Boutmy scholarship, named after the founder of Sciences Po, allows the best international students from outside of the European Union to study at Sciences Po. In 2015, the Emile Boutmy scholarship was awarded to 220 students from many backgrounds and countries of origin including Ghana, China, Egypt and the United States. Meet some of the talented recipients of this scholarship.
Meenakshi Raina is an Indian student enrolled in the Master of International Energy programme at the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po. She is passionate about sustainable development and climate change issues, and a keen participant in the Make It Work initiative.
Hélène Thiollet teaches international relations, comparative politics and migration studies at Sciences Po. Over the past ten years, her research has involved a lot of field work, and she has also worked as a consultant in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa for NGOs, International organisations and firms. She explains how the connection between research and policy-making practices influences her way of teaching.
Suthiwit Soisuwan is a second year undergraduate student from Thailand. He was able to study in France thanks to a scholarship from the Thai government, and he chose to enrol in the Sciences Po Middle-East and Mediterranean undergraduate programme on the Menton campus. He talks about his life in Menton and the people he has met in this small southern town, also known as “the pearl of France”.
Kana Sasagawa is a Japanese student who wants to change the world. This is one of the reasons she enrolled in the dual degree programme offered by Sciences Po and Keio University.
Meet Zhiheng Png, a 2010 Sciences Po alumnus.
Casey Floren is an undergraduate student from the University of Texas. She took advantage of an exchange programme with Sciences Po to enrol in one of the four certificate programmes offered on the Reims campus.
A portrait of Christian Dior, a Sciences Po student from 1923 to 1926.
Interview with Youstine Faltas, a new student in the Sciences Po-Columbia dual Bachelor degree programme.
Roxanne Kovacs is a graduate of the Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA). On 2 July 2015, she gave the Valedictorian speech at the 2015 Graduation Ceremony which was held at UNESCO. We interviewed this outstanding, lucky, passionate and optimistic student.
Three years before he could take the exam, Adama Gaye knew he wanted to study at Sciences Po. He enrolled in a Bachelor's degree programme at Sciences Po in 2009, followed on with a Master in Public Administration, and graduated in 2014. Now a Business Developer at Saint Gobain, Adama looks back on his time at Sciences Po.