

Introducing the members of CEE through their backgrounds and research activities. 

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Sophie Hermanns, a Gates Cambridge Scholar

After studying at Sciences Po as an exchange student in the European Affairs Master programme, Sophie Hermanns applied for a PhD at the University of Cambridge. She was recently awarded the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, a prestigious scholarship given to outstanding students who demonstrate leadership potential and are committed to improving the lives of others. Interview.

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Sophie Hermanns, a Gates Cambridge Scholar

After studying at Sciences Po as an exchange student in the European Affairs Master programme, Sophie Hermanns applied for a PhD at the University of Cambridge. She was recently awarded the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, a prestigious scholarship given to outstanding students who demonstrate leadership potential and are committed to improving the lives of others. Interview.

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“There is no such thing as a purely natural disaster”

We met Sandine Revet on the release of her new book, “Governing Disasters. Beyond Risk Culture,” which she co-edited with Julien Langumier for Palgrave. She is an anthropologist and has been a senior researcher at CERI since 2009. Revet had a leading role in this collaboration and it was first published in France in 2013 by Karthala. She focuses on the reality and challenges that come with the study of the 'government of disaster'.

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“There is no such thing as a purely natural disaster”

We met Sandine Revet on the release of her new book, “Governing Disasters. Beyond Risk Culture,” which she co-edited with Julien Langumier for Palgrave. She is an anthropologist and has been a senior researcher at CERI since 2009. Revet had a leading role in this collaboration and it was first published in France in 2013 by Karthala. She focuses on the reality and challenges that come with the study of the 'government of disaster'.

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From Sciences Po to the Asian Development Bank

Tina Rohner is a 2009 alumna from Sciences Po. She  currently works for the Asian Development Bank and was selected as part of the highly competitive Young Professionals Program. Tina shares some thoughts on her experience at the Master of Public Affairs and her career path.

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From Sciences Po to the Asian Development Bank

Tina Rohner is a 2009 alumna from Sciences Po. She  currently works for the Asian Development Bank and was selected as part of the highly competitive Young Professionals Program. Tina shares some thoughts on her experience at the Master of Public Affairs and her career path.

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Enrico Letta, New Dean of PSIA

With Ghassan Salamé, Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po (PSIA), leaving to pursue other endeavours at the end of the 2014-2015 academic year, Frédéric Mion has chosen Enrico Letta as his successor. Dr Letta will take office on 1 September 2015.

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Enrico Letta, New Dean of PSIA

With Ghassan Salamé, Dean of the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po (PSIA), leaving to pursue other endeavours at the end of the 2014-2015 academic year, Frédéric Mion has chosen Enrico Letta as his successor. Dr Letta will take office on 1 September 2015.

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Meet the Marion Bruley Grant Recipient

Like all undergraduate Sciences Po students, Augustin is currently spending his third year abroad. He is taking advantage of this experience to complete an internship at the French Embassy. He tells us about his missions there, the Master’s degree programme he would like to enrol in next, and what he was able to do thanks to the Marion Bruley scholarship.

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Meet the Marion Bruley Grant Recipient

Like all undergraduate Sciences Po students, Augustin is currently spending his third year abroad. He is taking advantage of this experience to complete an internship at the French Embassy. He tells us about his missions there, the Master’s degree programme he would like to enrol in next, and what he was able to do thanks to the Marion Bruley scholarship.

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From NGOs to the Singaporean art scene

A 2007 graduate from the Sciences Po Doctoral School, Jonathan Gonzalez is today a content consultant at Gonzo Media, the press group he created in 2013 in Singapore, and an active member of the Singaporean art and underground scene.

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From NGOs to the Singaporean art scene

A 2007 graduate from the Sciences Po Doctoral School, Jonathan Gonzalez is today a content consultant at Gonzo Media, the press group he created in 2013 in Singapore, and an active member of the Singaporean art and underground scene.

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“We begin to accelerate the pace of change”

Ben Rattray is the founder and CEO of Change.org, the world's largest petition platform with more than 90 million users in 196 countries. He took part in the conference entitled “The Internet and Citizen Empowerment” organised on 13 April 2015 at Sciences Po. Interview.

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“We begin to accelerate the pace of change”

Ben Rattray is the founder and CEO of Change.org, the world's largest petition platform with more than 90 million users in 196 countries. He took part in the conference entitled “The Internet and Citizen Empowerment” organised on 13 April 2015 at Sciences Po. Interview.

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“Research is about rigor”

An interview with Barbara Saden, who graduated from the Sciences Po Doctoral School with a Master in International Relations in May 2014. Her research “Punishing Syria: punishment in international relations” was awarded the Prize 2014-2015 from the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale. Although she holds a promising future as a researcher, she explains why she aims to become… a diplomat.

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“Research is about rigor”

An interview with Barbara Saden, who graduated from the Sciences Po Doctoral School with a Master in International Relations in May 2014. Her research “Punishing Syria: punishment in international relations” was awarded the Prize 2014-2015 from the Institut des hautes études de défense nationale. Although she holds a promising future as a researcher, she explains why she aims to become… a diplomat.

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Princeton Senior Eric Falcon Announced as 2015 Michel David-Weill Scholarship Laureate

Eric Falcon will graduate from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in May. Thanks to the Michel David-Weill Scholarship and will pursue a master's degree in European Affairs at Sciences Po beginning September 2015.

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Princeton Senior Eric Falcon Announced as 2015 Michel David-Weill Scholarship Laureate

Eric Falcon will graduate from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in May. Thanks to the Michel David-Weill Scholarship and will pursue a master's degree in European Affairs at Sciences Po beginning September 2015.

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Nathan Stewart, a student at the Sciences Po School of Communication: "I am originally from Belfast in Northern Ireland, but I studied French and Politics at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. If I was to continue my studies beyond undergraduate level it just made sense to do politics in France."

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Nathan Stewart, a student at the Sciences Po School of Communication: "I am originally from Belfast in Northern Ireland, but I studied French and Politics at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. If I was to continue my studies beyond undergraduate level it just made sense to do politics in France."

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Meet Edgar, a graduate from the dual degree Sciences Po-UBC

Edgar Proutheau graduated from the dual degree Sciences Po-UBC in May 2014 with a major in Political Science. He is now enrolled in a Master’s Degree in Public Affairs at Sciences Po.

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Meet Edgar, a graduate from the dual degree Sciences Po-UBC

Edgar Proutheau graduated from the dual degree Sciences Po-UBC in May 2014 with a major in Political Science. He is now enrolled in a Master’s Degree in Public Affairs at Sciences Po.

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Advertising: a weapon for feminism

Mercedes Erra, Founder of BETC Euro RSCG, the leading French advertising agency, and executive president of Havas Worldwide, delivered a masterclass to students in the Sciences Po School of Communication.

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Advertising: a weapon for feminism

Mercedes Erra, Founder of BETC Euro RSCG, the leading French advertising agency, and executive president of Havas Worldwide, delivered a masterclass to students in the Sciences Po School of Communication.

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News from Simona, a student taking a gap year in India

Simona Kalikova is a student in the Master in Economic Law at the Sciences Po Law School. Upon completion of her first year at the Law School, she decided to take a gap year in India. Committed to promoting human rights, and in particular women’s rights, Simona tells us about her experience in India.

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News from Simona, a student taking a gap year in India

Simona Kalikova is a student in the Master in Economic Law at the Sciences Po Law School. Upon completion of her first year at the Law School, she decided to take a gap year in India. Committed to promoting human rights, and in particular women’s rights, Simona tells us about her experience in India.

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Meet Matthew Green, a British student on the Reims Campus

Matthew Green is a British undergraduate student who recently enrolled in the Europe - North America programme at Sciences Po. He is also an excellence scholarship recipient. During our interview with him, he told us about his reasons for choosing, and his experiences in applying to Sciences Po. Matthew also offers his advice for future candidates and tells us of his plans for the future.

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Meet Matthew Green, a British student on the Reims Campus

Matthew Green is a British undergraduate student who recently enrolled in the Europe - North America programme at Sciences Po. He is also an excellence scholarship recipient. During our interview with him, he told us about his reasons for choosing, and his experiences in applying to Sciences Po. Matthew also offers his advice for future candidates and tells us of his plans for the future.

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"Sciences Po prepared me for challenges"

Anjuli Pandit is a 2013 graduate from the Master in International Public Management at Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs. A few months after graduating, she became the Manager of Public Affairs at Tata Sons in India, a company and a country to which she already had a special attachment. While visiting Paris, she dropped by to say hello. We seized the opportunity to learn a little more about this vibrant and promising alumni.

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"Sciences Po prepared me for challenges"

Anjuli Pandit is a 2013 graduate from the Master in International Public Management at Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs. A few months after graduating, she became the Manager of Public Affairs at Tata Sons in India, a company and a country to which she already had a special attachment. While visiting Paris, she dropped by to say hello. We seized the opportunity to learn a little more about this vibrant and promising alumni.

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