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Coming from China, Fangzhou Liang graduated in 2016 in International Public Management (now International Governance and Diplomacy), with concentrations on Migration and China and East Asia. Fangzhou is an Associate Web Officer at Paris at UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP).
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Coming from France, Vicky graduated in 2022 from the International Security Masters at PSIA, her concentrations were African studies and Diplomacy. She did my undergrad at Sciences Po as well, on the Reims campus where she followed the Euro-American track, which allowed her to study abroad in the United States for a year at Rutgers University. Vicky is a Chief of Staff for the head of the Geostrategy section of the German Marshall Fund of the United States think-tank (GMF).
Of e-mobility and urban policy in India: a GLM alumni reflects on her career path
From the Corporate and Public Management dual degree with HEC, to the position of Sustainable Development Attaché (VIA) at the French Embassy in China
Coming from Greece, Ilias Papadopoulos has graduated Summa Cum Laude in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
Interview with an alumnus that enrolled in two dual degrees at Sciences Po, with Hong Kong University and HEC.
Originally from the United States, Alexis graduated from the Dual degree program in International Affairs between PSIA and Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) in 2022. At PSIA, she completed the International Public Management program (now called International Governance and Diplomacy) with a concentration in Media and Writing. Alexis is an Analyst at the World Bank Group in Washington, D.C. on the Women, Business and the Law research project.
Coming from France, Emma Lefebvre has graduated in Environmental Policy with concentrations in Diplomacy and Environmental Sustainability. She also completed a Master's degree in Marine Sciences with a specialization in Biological Oceanography and Marine Ecology at Aix-Marseille University.
A renowned researcher, a mafia investigator, a best-selling novelist: find out who will be teaching at Sciences Po this year.
Coming from Italy, Rossella has graduated in the One-Year Master in Advanced Global Studies
Coming from Germany, Katharina has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Energy
Coming from Canada, Alexa has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Development
This summer, students returning from 3A are sharing their experiences. Simon had a dream year in the Caribbean.
This summer, students returning from 3A are sharing their experiences. Maxime experienced a whirlwind of emotions in Sarajevo.
This summer, students returning from 3A are sharing their experiences. Katharina went for an iconic British university in London.
This summer, students returning from 3A are sharing their experiences. Maaz confirmed in Istanbul his passion for law.
Coming from Germany, Hannah Forst has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Development Dual Degree with LSE.
Coming from Germany, Johanna has graduated Summa Cum Laude in International Security.
Coming from Germany, Katherina Franke has graduated Summa Cum Laude in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action.
This summer, students returning from 3A are sharing their experiences. Luna fell in love with Johannesburg's cultural scene.
This summer, students returning from 3A are sharing their experiences. Fary found her calling in Accra: international development.
This summer, students returning from 3A are sharing their experiences. Laura went to South America and can't wait to go back.