Cristina Burini
March, 2022 - May, 2022
Visiting PhD Candidate
Cristina Burini is a PhD candidate at the University of Perugia where she investigates new models of urban governance for the management of urban commons, including participatory and commoning strategies for the creation and maintenance of urban commons.
In her doctoral thesis, using a sociological perspective – enriched though by the economics and legal perspectives, she reflects on the potential transformation of private and public goods in urban commons when they are managed in an inclusive and participatory way.
The observed tools which may favour the creation of commons are the Community-based Enterprises and the Collaboration Agreements. By an entrepreneurial way, in the first case, and voluntarily, in the second case, they both activate commoning practices and a new model of shared administration in urban areas. Employing a mixed methodology to map the geographical distribution of the tools in urban areas in Italy and then focusing on case studies and qualitative interviews, the research analyzes five Italian experiences of commoning through Community-based Enterprises and Collaboration Agreements.
She collaborates with EURICSE (European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises - Trento) on the research area of local development. She is also a member of the permanent working group “Communs de services de proximité” of the association La Coop des Communs, which addresses the study of commons and social and solidarity economy in France.
Among her recent publications
- Burini, C. (forthcoming), Imprese di comunità, creazione di beni comuni e valorizzazione delle risorse locali, in Damiani, M., de Salvo, P., Valastro, A. (eds.), Oltre la partecipazione: degenerazioni e rigenerazioni, Morlacchi, Perugia.
- Burini, C. (2021), Dal demandare al fare. Nuovi strumenti di partecipazione tra società civile ed istituzioni pubbliche locali per lo sviluppo del territorio, in de Salvo, P., Burini, C., Pizzi, M. (eds.), Territorialità e partecipazione civica. Teoria e casi, Franco Angeli, Milano.
- Euricse (2020), Imprese di comunità e beni comuni. Un fenomeno in evoluzione, «Euricse Research Reports», n. 18/2020, authors: Burini C., Sforzi J., Euricse, Trento.
Research interests
Cristina Burini's research interests focus on new models of urban governance, new commons and “commoning”, participation, citizenship and local development.
Research project pursued at the CEE
During her stay at CEE under the supervision of Prof. Tommaso Vitale, Cristina Burini will strengthen the ability to analyze participatory processes which inclusive governance models may develop in urban areas to affect public policies.
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