Emilien Houard-Vial

Doctor in political science

Research Topics

Parties and Party Systems, French Right, The production of ideological discourse and its actors, Relationships between Partisan and Non-Partisan Actors


"Dire et produire l'idéologie partisane aujourd'hui. Le cas de l'UMP/Les Républicains (2002-2024)", supervised by Florence Haegel
Emilien Houard-Vial defended his thesis on the production and diffusion of ideology within the French right wing, prepared under the supervision of Florence Haegel. He is temporary Lecturer and Researcher ("ATER") at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
He previously earned a double degree from Sciences Po and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (mathematics and informatics) in 2016 and a Master in Polical Science (Comparative Politics programme) from Sciences Po in 2018.

1. Research

Emilien Houard-Vial’s PhD work discusses the ideological production of the French party Les Républicains. It considers an electoral-professional party, which has experienced a sharp electoral decline, through its ability to structure and renew itself from an ideological point of view, questioning the role of ideas, the ways the official party ideology is built or not and its likelihood to distinguish itself from its adversaries. It includes a particular concern for ordinary party activities and its embeddedness in a larger intellectual and media environment meant to relegitimize it.

2.  Teaching

Emilien Houard-Vial taught courses at a Bachelor level in Sciences Po Paris, such as tutorials in comparative politics and introduction to political science, while being teaching assistant in the lectures of Introduction to Political Science and Democratic Erosion. He has also been responsible of an English-speaking seminar labeled “Political Parties in Times of Crisis”. He will join the Law and Political Science department of the UVSQ as a temporary teacher for courses on political participation and political life.

3. Recent publications

« The French Right-Wing Paradox »Partecipazione & Conflitto, vol. 15, n°2, 2022

4. Conferences

Presentations at the 2022 AFSP Conference: « Quand la radicalité fait la Une. Le développement d’un espace médiatique, intellectuel et politique de droite radicale en France » and « La culture du chef sans chef. Les dynamiques de personnalisation de la droite partisane française (2012-2022) »

Co-organisation (with Frédéric Boily) of a themactic section at the 2021 CoSPoF/ABSP Conference: « Les partis politiques, les mouvances intellectuelles et la résistance conservatrice à l’hégémonie culturelle et idéologique »
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