Federica Rotondo
Post-Doctoral Researcher - ReHousIn Project
Federica Rotondo joins the CEE as a postdoctoral researcher within the framework of the European ReHousIn project. She holds a PhD in Urban and Regional Development from Politecnico di Torino and was a visiting researcher at Lab'Urba, Université Gustave Eiffel. She graduated from a dual degree program in Urban Planning and Policy Design at Politecnico di Milano and in Sciences and Techniques of Urban Environments at École Centrale de Nantes. She also completed postgraduate training in Urban Anthropology at Università Milano Bicocca and in International/European Spatial Development Planning at KU Leuven.
Her research focuses on the renovation of social housing through the lens of energy and environmental policies, with an emphasis on the neighborhood scale within urban contexts. She examines the conditions under which projects emerge, the dynamics and relationships between stakeholders involved, and the strategies for their dissemination. She is also interested in the connections between public schools, neighborhood spaces, and local services, exploring the intersection of educational services and urban planning, with particular attention to metropolitan areas and medium-sized cities.
Federica Rotondo supervises students in the Master’s program Governing Ecological Transition in Cities at Sciences Po for their Project Collectif and teaches in the Sustainable Urban Development Master’s program at Université Gustave Eiffel. Since 2019, she has been involved in teaching activities at Politecnico di Milano and Politecnico di Torino in the fields of urban planning, urban sociology, spatial planning, and urban policies. She has also supervised undergraduate and master’s theses in architecture, urban planning, and spatial development.
See publications on ResearchGate.