Lorenza Antonucci

May, 2022 - June, 2022

Visiting Associate Professor

University of Birmingham, School of Social Policy

Lorenza AntonucciDr Lorenza Antonucci is a social policy scholar and comparativist who conducts research on the causes and effects of insecurity in Europe. She has published widely in the areas of precarity and welfare state reforms. She leads the ESRC-funded project on platform workers GIGWELL (www.gigwell.org) and the Working Package 2 on « The socio-economic and cultural drivers of populist vote » of the PRECEDE project (www.precede.eu) , funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Dr Antonucci will co-Chair the first ESPAnet stream on the « Digitalization of work » at the forthcoming ESPAnet Conference in Vienna (2022).

Research interests

Work and financial insecurity in Europe ; comparative European social policies (in particular, labour market and social protection policies) and EU social policies ; digital/platform work in Europe ; the relationship between inequality/insecurity and populist voting

Research projects you intend to pursue at the CEE

During the Visiting period at the CEE, Dr Antonucci will finalise the production of outputs regarding the social policy gaps for platform workers from the GIGWELL project and will prepare a book proposal on the topic of social policy and digital work. During this Visiting, Dr Antonucci will also extract the main policy recommendations from the GIGWELL project to feed into the ongoing debate on the EU directive on platform work.

to know more


Lien page personnelle web / link to personal webpage 

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