Luca Venga

PhD Candidate

Luca Venga is a doctoral student and recipient of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship, financed by the EU Commission, as part of the LAC-EU doctoral network. After living in Italy, the United States and Germany, he moved to England where he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Politics and International Relations from the University of Manchester and a Master’s degree in Latin American Studies from St Antony’s College, University of Oxford.

He is also a Central America Researcher for ACLED (the Armed Conflict Location Event Database), and in the past he has collaborated with IARI (Istituto Analisi Relazioni Internazionali), an Italian think-tank and geopolitical academy as Editor-in-chief of the Latin American Desk.

Research work

Luca’s research focuses on authority in urban environments, and on how citizens interact with the state in a variety of settings. In particular, he is interested in how new technologies and novel modes of public participation can promote civic engagement across social cleavages.


LAC-EU - Understanding Latin American Challenges in the 21st Century (2024-2028)


Research Topics

Cities, Democratic representation, Decentralisation, Reconfiguration of the state, Citizen’s engagement in politics


“A New City: novel tools for citizen participation and engagement in Mexico City and Barcelona”, under the supervision of Patrick Le Galès
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