Marcela Alonso Ferreira
PhD Candidate
Marcela Alonso Ferreira is a PhD student in Political Science at Sciences Po’s Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE). Her research interests lie at the intersection of urban studies, public policy analysis, and comparative politics. Her PhD dissertation, under the supervision of Patrick Le Galès, will examine, from a comparative perspective, the changes in public policies addressing informal settlements and land tenure in São Paulo and Mexico City over the last 50 years.
Marcela is the Qualitative Research Methods course instructor at Sciences Po’s Urban School master programme Governing Ecological Transitions in European Cities since 2021. She is also co-responsible for organising the seminar series of the Cities are Back in Town research group at Sciences Po.
She has obtained her Master’s degree in Public Policy and Management from Fundacao Getulio Vargas and her Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Before joining Sciences Po in 2020, she developed applied research projects with the non-governmental organizations CIPPEC, Instituto Escolhas, URBEM, and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and worked as an advisor for the City Hall of São Paulo and as a consultant for the World Bank Group and Cities Alliance. Her academic and applied research activities cover various topics within urban studies, including land policy, socio-environmental disaster governance, transport regulation, and urban agriculture.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Nastari Fernandes, C. and Alonso Ferreira, M. (2021) ‘Ação pública para redução da vacância imobiliária: A implementação de instrumentos da função social da propriedade na cidade de São Paulo’, CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, (Sp21). doi: 10.15847/cct.20498.
Alonso Ferreira, M. et al. ‘Gestão de riscos de desastres provocados pelas chuvas: desafios de governança na metrópole de São Paulo’, Desenvolvimento & Meio Ambiente [in press]
Alonso Ferreira, M. (2023) The Bureaucratic Politics of Urban Land Rights: (Non)Programmatic Distribution in São Paulo’s Land Regularization Policy. Latin American Politics and Society. doi: 10.1017/lap.2023.35
Book Reviews
Alonso Ferreira, M. and Cussac, P. ‘Compte rendu : Daniel M. Brinks, Steven Levitsky et María Victoria Murillo (dir.) (2020), The Politics of Institutional Weakness in Latin America, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.’ Gouvernement et action publique. [in press]
Ferreira, M.A. (2021) ‘The Politics of Incremental Progressivism: Governments, governances and urban policy changes in São Paulo, edited by Eduardo Cesar Leão Marques’, Journal of Urban Affairs, 0(0), pp. 1–3. doi: 10.1080/07352166.2021.1967030 .
Book chapters
Alonso Ferreira, M. et al. (2018) ‘Politics, polity and policy of ridesourcing regulation in São Paulo’, in Urban Transport in the Sharing Economy Era: Collaborative Cities. Argentina: CIPPEC, pp. 62–90. Available online .
Alonso Ferreira, M. et al. (2020) ‘São Paulo, Brazil’, in Parking. Elsevier, pp. 35–60. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-815265-2.00003-0 .
Applied research
Alonso Ferreira, M., Nastari Fernandes, C. (2022) “Políticas públicas de agricultura urbana.” Instituto Escolhas. Available online.
Alonso Ferreira, M., Leão, V., Cizotto, L., Passos, C., Ferreira, J., de Mello Franco, F., (2020) ”Mais perto do que se imagina: os desafios da produção de alimentos na metrópole de São Paulo.” Instituto Escolhas. Available online.
Ferreira J., de Mello Franco, F., Alonso Ferreira, M., Leão, V., Leitão, S. (2020) ”A produção de alimentos nas metrópoles brasileiras.” Instituto Escolhas. Available online.
Artuso, L., Mundim, G. and Alonso Ferreira, M. (2020) ‘Capacidades institucionais e riscos de desastres socioambientais’, Diálogos Socioambientais na Macrometrópole Paulista, 3(08), pp. 48–50. Available online.
Research Topics
Urban governance, urban policies, local governments, comparative politics