Meryem Bezzaz
PhD Candidate
1. Research
Meryem Bezzaz holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from McGill University and received a Bachelor in Economics and Political Science from the University of Montreal (UdeM). She specialized in international political economy and social statistics. Prior to joining MaxPo and the CEE at Sciences Po, she participated as a research assistant and analyst in several projects conducted by the CERIUM, the CIRANO and the IREC. His research focuses on the evolution of energy policies. Her previous work focused on the impact of oil price changes on the bargaining power of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
2. Teaching
a. Introduction to Political Science | Cyril Benoît | Campus de Reims | Hiver 2022
This course functions as a general introduction to political science. We will focus our efforts on learning the foundational concepts you will likely hear over the following years, introducing basic distinctions between political regimes, systems, and their transformations, and presenting the main political actors and their organisations.
b. Comparative Politics | Patrick Le Bihan | Campus de Reims | Fall 2022
This course provides an introduction to the study of comparative politics. We will provide a survey of some of the most important questions in the field: Why are some countries democratic while others are not? Does democracy make a difference in terms of the well-being of its citizens? Do elections help identify the general will? Does presidentialism improve accountability? Are constitutional courts necessary to uphold the constitution? Does democracy help fight economic inequality? Do social media increase political polarization? Etc.
3. Publications
a. L’effet COVID : la relance économique et l’investissement public en perspective comparée | Centre d’études et de recherches internationales de l’Université de Montréal (CÉRIUM) | 2021
“Build Back Better”, “Next Generation EU”, “Great Reset”… Since the “Great Lockdown” of 2020, governments in rich countries have expressed the ambition to rebuild their economy by promoting innovation and the energy transition.
Conceived as a progress report, this CÉRIUM Working Paper offers a comparative yet preliminary analysis of the recovery plans currently being developed in the United States, the European Union, Quebec and Canada. Rather than looking at the income support measures and the health sector that characterized public spending in 2020-21, it emphasizes the sort of public investment that can stimulate economic recovery in a sustainable way.
b. Autonomie alimentaire - Définitions et concepts | Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO) | 2020
The first part of this document presents the different concepts of food autonomy. It defines autarky, food security, food sovereignty, self-sufficiency and self-supply. All these concepts have a common point, namely the search for a certain autonomy of decision or of result for the entities (countries, regions, farms, etc.) concerned. The final section presents elements of analysis to initiate an in-depth reflection on the challenges of food autonomy for Quebec.
4. Conferences
a. SASE | July 2022 | Mini-conference: The Political Economy of Climate Change: Plural Green Capitalisms | Participante
b. L’Afrique en chantier(s) | 2020 | Centre d’études et de recherches internationales de l’Université de Montréal (CÉRIUM) | Organisation et préparation
5. Awards
a. Bourse de doctorat du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada | 2022
b. Prix Jean-Marie Dufour | 2013 | Prix d'excellence du 1er cycle en économétrie c. Prix Marcel Boyer | 2013 | Prix d'excellence du 1er cycle en outils mathématiques
6. Supervisors :
a. Cornelia Woll (Hertie School)
b. Colin Hay (Sciences Po Paris)
Research Topics
Economie politique, ressources naturelles, transformations du capitalisme, droit international