Miriam Hartlapp

October, 2022 - November, 2022

Freie Universitaet Berlin

Research Topics

European integration and comparative politics, in particular questions of power, contestation and conflict in the EU Multilevel System and the intersection of economic and social integration, as well as questions of representation. Recent projects: ‘The European Parliament as an arena of contestation?’ (Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS) with Tanja Börzel) and “Effects of EU soft law across the multilevel system”, (ANR/ DFG with Sabine Saurugger & Fabien Terpan)

Short biography:

Miriam Hartlapp is Professor for Comparative Politics: Germany and France at the Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) where she chairs three Franco-German dual degree programs that the FUB offers in cooperation with

Sciences Po Paris and HEC Paris. Before joining the FUB in April 2017 she held chairs at Leipzig (2014-2017) and Bremen University (2013-2014) and worked at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, the ILO in Geneva and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. She has been visiting scholar i.a. at the EUI in Florence, Paris 1-Sorbonne and at the Université de Grenoble.

Research project.s you intend to pursue at the CEE

In Paris Miriam Hartlapp will work on two new projects:

1) a comparative historical analysis of the governance of public procurement and its strategic challenges across countries and sectors. States are often the largest buyers in the national and the global economy. OECD countries spend 13% of their GDP and 28% of government expenditure is used to procure goods, services and labor. With such leverage, procurement is a powerful policy instrument and an important entry point into rethinking “good governance” in general and the theory of the state in particular.

2) heterogenous representation: while scholarly interest in questions of descriptive and substantive representation has grown substantially over the last decade, in particular regarding women, we still know relatively little about the representation of other groups (class, ethnic minorities, younger citizens, including from an intersectional perspective) within political institutions. The project seeks to combine an institutional perspective with methodologies apt to capture performance of politics.

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