Riccardo Ladini

September, 2021 - October, 2021

Visiting post-doctoral fellow

University of Milan – Department of Social and Political Sciences

LadiniRiccardo Ladini is post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan, where he is member of the SPS TREND lab. He obtained a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento in 2018, with a thesis on the role of campaign and interpersonal mobilization on electoral participation. His main research interests include the study of social and political attitudes by employing survey and experimental methods. He is member of the Italian team of the European Values Study.

Research interests

Political and social attitudes; electoral behavior; religiosity; survey research; experimental methods

Research project pursued at the CEE

Immigrant-native gap in attitudes toward immigration; the European Values Study as a data source for studying immigrants' attitudes and values.

Riccardo Ladini is on a short-term scientific mission for the project ETHMIGSURVEYDATA (The International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities’ Survey Data Network) - COST Action.

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