Thomas Aguilera
Maître de conférences en science politique à Sciences Po Rennes
Chercheur au laboratoire Arènes UMR 6051
Thomas Aguilera is an Assistant Professor of political science at Sciences Po Rennes, where he was the Director of the master's degree in Governing territorial changes from 2016 to 2020 and where he teaches political science, sociology and methods. He is vice-director of the laboratory Arènes UMR 6051 where he co-coordinates the research group "Mixed methods and epistemology of social sciences" with Tom Chevalier (CNRS, ARENES). He is also a research associate at the CEE of SciencesPo Paris (UMR 8239) and at the LaSSP of Sciences Po Toulouse.
His research interests include public policies, territorial governance, social movements and mixed methods. More specifically, he has conducted comparative research on public policies regarding informal housing and the effects of social movements on public action in Europe. He is currently working on the regulation of platform capitalism and on territorial inequalities in Europe. He has notably published a book on the governance of squats and shantytowns in Paris and Madrid – Gouverner les illégalismes urbains (Ed. Dalloz, 2017) – and articles in the Revue française de science politique, L'Année sociologique, Gouvernement et action publique, Métropoles, Pôle Sud, Environment & Planning A, Sociologica, Anthropologica. He has also co-ordinated collective books on the territorial governance of solidarity (Ed. Berger Levrault, 2020) and on the political uses of maps (Ed. Presses du Septentrion, 2021).
He organizes the Summer School on Mixed-methods for Social Sciences in Rennes, with Tom Chevalier and Benoit Giry.
Research interests
Sociology of Public Action and Territorial Governance; Sociology of Social Movements; Political Economy of Capitalisms; Housing, Squats, Slums, Tourism, Inequalities; Comparison, Mixed-methods.
selection of publications
2021 : « Les méthodes mixtes pour la science politique. Apports, limites et propositions de stratégies de recherche », in Revue française de science politique, vol. 71, n°3, p. 365-389 (avec T. Chevalier).
2019 : « Explaining the diversity of policy responses to platform-mediated short-term rentals in European Cities : A comparison of Barcelona, Paris and Milan », in Environment & Planning A, p.1-24 (avec F. Artioli et C. Colomb).
2017 : Gouverner les illégalismes urbains. Les politiques publiques face aux squats et aux bidonvilles dans les régions de Paris et de Madrid, Paris, Dalloz.
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