Amenta, Edwin, Thomas A. Elliott, and Charles Ragin. 2014. Politics, Movements, and Policy: Recipes for Influence over U.S. Old-Age Policy in Its Formative Years.
Bernardi, Luca. 2014. Word Is Silver, but Silence Is Golden? Policy Agenda, Responsiveness, and Competitive Incentives.
Bischof, Daniel. 2014. Cheap Talk or Keeping/Making Promises? Party Rhetorics between Elections.
Caren, Neal, Jennifer Earl, Edwin Amenta, and Sarah Soule. 2014. On a Scale of 1-5, How Much Impact Do US Social Movements Have on Public Opinion?.
Cristancho, Camilo. 2014. Attitudes towards Political Discontent – Government and Contentious Politics in Twitter.
Duisters, Sarah, Jacquelien van Stekelenburg, and Bert Klandermans. 2014. When Do Demonstrations Make a Difference? Collective and Connective Action Compared.
Font, Joan and Graham Smith. 2014. From Participatory Policy to Proposals to Local Policies: Explaining Diverse Trajectories.
Frenzel, Fabian. 2014. Reading Protest Camps with Arendt’s Concept of Power.
Giugni, Marco. 2014. How Do Members of Parliament Perceive and Deal with Social Movements? Linking Democratic Responsiveness and Social Movement Outcomes.
Hamann, Kerstin, Alison Johnston, and John Kelly. 2014. Political Exchange between Trade Unions and Governments in an Age of Austerity.
Kousis, Maraia and Kostas Kanellopoulos. 2014. Protest, Elections and Austerity Policies in Greece.
Morales, Laura. 2014. A Conceptual and Theoretical Approach to Governmental Policy Responsiveness between Elections.
Morales, Laura, Daniel Bischof, Maarja Lühiste, and Luca Bernardi. 2014. External Shocks and Governmental Responsiveness to Public Opinion. A Case Study of Nuclear Energy Policy after the Fukushima Disaster.
Parks, Louisa. 2014. Popular Protest, EU Activism and Change: The Case of ACTA.
Uba, Katrin. 2014. Postponing the School Closure: Effects of Protests in Swedish Municipalities.
Verevkin, Anton. 2014. Impact of Electoral Protest on Institutional Engineering under Electoral Authoritarianism.
Wouters, Ruud and Stefaan Walgrave. 2014. Making the Implicit Scorecard Explicit. The dWUNCness of Collective Action in Mass Media.