Frederico Rios Cury Dos Santos
Septembre, 2018 - Février, 2019
PhD candidate in International Relations at the University of São Paulo
PhD candidate in Textual and Discourse Linguistic at the University of Minas Gerais
Frederico Rios Cury Dos Santos is a PhD candidate in Textual and Discourse Linguistic at the University of Minas Gerais and in International Relations at the University of São Paulo. One of his thesis research focus on the polemic interactions at the Brazilian Parliament during the Dilma’s Rousseff impeachment. The other thesis concerns media discourse towards immigrants in France. He holds a Master’s Degree in International Relations at the Catholic University of Minas Gerais, with a thesis about the Elia Kazan’s cinematographic discourse during both Roosevelt’s New Deal and Cold War McCarthyism.
Research interests
Discourse, Media, Human Rights
Research project.s at the CEE
The research at the CEE will focus on the media discourse, from different political ideology, about immigrants in France, in order to know the construction of the representation of otherness.