Meredith Winn

Assistante de recherche

Meredith Winn defended her dissertation titled “This Land is My Land: The Dynamic Relationship between Migration and the Far-Right” in August 2020 directed by John Ishiyama at the University of North Texas. She currently holds a BA in International Studies specializing in European Studies from Pepperdine University (Malibu, CA USA), an MS in Political Sciences from the University of North Texas (Denton, TX USA), and expects conferral of the PhD in December 2020.

Meredith is currently a research assistant on the FAIRETHMIGQUANT Project, an ANR-funded project that is jointly undertaken by the CEE, INED, and CDSP in close collaboration with GESIS as well as the H2020 Project SSHOC and the COST Action 16111 ETHMIGSURVEYDATA. The goal of this project is to ensure that French surveys are represented on the Ethnic and Immigrant Minority (EMM) Survey Registry. In this role, Meredith oversees the collection and compilation of the French data and its compliance with international standards and conducts a pilot to include an EMM component on the European Question Databank (EQB).

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