
Jérôme Sgard

Full Professor
Phone: +33158717082 -
I graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Grenoble and I hold a PhD in Economics from the Université de Paris-Nanterre. I joined Sciences Po (CERI) in 2008, first as a Research Professor, then as a Professor in Political Economy (2012). My research interests revolve around the construction and regulation of markets as seen from the micro-level and historical perspective. Hence the interest for the dispute-resolution dimension and for the direct interactions between economic agents and regulators: judges, arbiters, bureaucrats, IMF officials, etc. Empirical objects include sovereign debts restructurings, private bankruptcies or the development of early industrial policy in 18th century France. But my main current research project is about the history of international commercial arbitration (1880-1980), on which I am preparing a book.
Before joining Sciences Po I was a researcher at Centre d’études prospectives et d’informations internationales (CEPII), also in Paris, and an Adjunct Professor at Université de Paris-Dauphine. During the 1990s I worked on economic reforms in Eastern Europe and Russia, and on financial crisis in emerging economies (see L’Economie de la Panique, 2002).

. Work in progress

- The Simplest Model of Global Governance Ever Seen ? The London Corn Market (1885-1930). Publication à venir dans Brousseau, Glachant, Sgard (eds). Oxford Handbook of International Economic Governance. Oxford University Press.
- Liquidity Swaps between Central Banks, the IMF, and the Evolution of the International Financial Architecture. (avec Pauline Bourgeon). Publication à venir dans Oxford Handbook of International Economic Governance.
- International Economic Governance as a Legal Craft. A postscript. Publication à venir dans Oxford Handbook of International Economic Governance .
- From a Multilateral Broker to a National Judge, The Law and Governance of Sovereign Debt Restructurings, 1980-2015. Projet ‘A World of Public Debt’, Septembre 2017
- Policing the Market’s Legal Borders: the Bankruptcy and the Lender of Last Resort, miméo, février 2018.
- The Private Governance of a Global Market: the London Corn Trade Association (1885-1914), mimeo, mai 2019.
- The Levi Leone Moment (1848-1854): from the Law Merchant to an International Code of Commerce, mimeo, mai 2019, (avec Susan Block-Lieb).
- The International Chamber of Commerce, Multilateralism and the Invention of International Commercial arbitration. Conference on “1919, La Conference de la Paix de Paris/ The Paris Peace Conference”. Paris & Versailles, 5-8 juin 2019.
- Hands-On. An Oral History of the 1980s Debt Crisis. Livre à paraître, 2020.

. Recent publications

- Global market for sovereign debt: Argentina v. NML Capital ltd, Measuring the strength of contract against sovereign impunity. In: Muir Watt, H et alii (eds). Global Private International Law: Adjudication Without Frontier. 2019, Cheltenham: E Elgar. pp. 253-263 (french version forthcoming by Pedone, fall 2019).
- Contracts, Treaties, and the Public Space. Harvard International Law Journal, Comment. April 2019.
- Les archives du Fonds Monétaire International. Histoire@Politique, 37, janvier-avril 2019.
- Albert Hirschman – un essai de cartographie intellectuelle. Critique Internationale. 77, December 2017, pp. 141-164.
- Why are Modern Bureaucracies Special? State Support to Private Firms in Early Eighteenth Century France. The Journal of Economic History, 77 (4), December 2017, pp. 1144-1176 (avec Jean Beuve et Eric Brousseau).
- Mercantilism and Bureaucratic Modernization in Eighteenth Century France. Economic History Review. May 2017, 70 (2), pp. 529-558 (avec Jean Beuve et Eric Brousseau).
- Courts at work: Bankruptcy Statutes and Private Ordering in England (17th-18th century). Journal of Comparative Economics. May 2016, 44 (2), pp. 450-460.
- A Tale of Three Cities: The Construction of International Commercial Arbitration (1890-1960). in Mallard and Sgard (ed). Contractual Knowledge. Cambridge Press, pp. 153-184. 2016.
- Contractual Knowledge: A Hundred Years of Legal Experimentation in Global Markets - an Introduction. in Mallard and Sgard (ed). Contractual Knowledge. Cambridge Press, pp. 1-59 (with G. Mallard). 2016.
- How the IMF Did It? Sovereign Debt Restructurings during the 1980s. Capital Market Law Journal. January 2016, 11 (1), pp. 103-125.
- Global Economic Governance in the Middle-Ages: the Jurisdiction of the Champagne Fairs. International Review of Law and Economics. June 2015, 45.

. Book reviews

- ‘East West Street, by Philippe Sands’, une lecture critique, Critique Internationale, Apr-Jun 2018.
- ‘Ernst Kantorowicz, a Life, by Robert Lerner’, une lecture critique, Esprit, Juil-Aout 2018.
- ‘A Biography, Czeslaw Milosz’ by Andrzej Franaszek, une lecture critique, Esprit, Oct-Dec 2018.
- ‘Trois livres sur Gershom Scholem’, une lecture critique, Esprit, juin 2019.
- ‘Dark Matter Credit: The Development of Peer-to-Peer Lending and Banking in France’, by Ph Hoffman et al., Princeton. Lecture critique à paraître dans Journal of Economic History.
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Work in Progress

Bureaucratic modernization and economic policy-making in 18th c. France, A history of international commercial arbitration (1880-1980), Law, Courts and Economic development in 19th c. France, Issues contemporary global economic governance (Imf, sovereign debt, emerging economies, etc).

Research Interests

Globalization, Indebtedness, IFM, Arbitration, Political economy


- The Debt Crisis of the 1980s, Law and Political Economy. 2023. Elgar, 341 p.




1982: the debt crisis that could have destroyed Western banking. What we can learn from four decades of financial turmoil and recovery
Institut Brueghel, Bruxelles

Lessons from the 1980s Debt Crisis
Clauses & Controversies, by Mitu Gulati et Mark Weidemaier

Une justice privée? L'arbitrage et la construction d'un espace marchand international (1920-1960)Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, 2024/1, 251, pp. 34-49 ; avec Claire Lemercier.  

- The Simplest Model of Global Governance Ever Seen? The London Corn Market (1885- 1930). Forthcoming in Brousseau, Glachant, Sgard (eds). Oxford Handbook of International Economic Governance. Oxford University Press.

- Liquidity Swaps between Central Banks, the IMF, and the Evolution of the International Financial Architecture (with Pauline Bourgeon). Forthcoming in Oxford Handbook of International Economic Governance.

- The International Chamber of Commerce, Multilateralism and the Invention of International Commercial arbitration. Conference on “1919, La Conference de la Paix de Paris/ The Paris Peace Conference”. Paris & Versailles, 5-8 june 2019.Forthcoming in a collective work.

- Who was Martin Domke? German Emigré, International Arbitrator, Friend of Walter Benjamin. Forthcoming in a collective work.

- Compte-rendu critique de ‘Making Commercial Law through practice, 1830-1970’, by R Cranston, Cambridge UP.

- Compte-rendu critique de ‘The Economic Weapon: the Rise of Sanctions as tool of modern war’, by N Mulder, Yale UP.

Last Publications
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Online Publications (CERI website)
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