GIS - Groupements d'Intérêt Scientifique, GDR - Groupements de Recherche

CERI has international connections and contributes to local networks. In France, CERI is part of GIS (Groupements d'Intérêt Scientifique) and GDR (Groupements de Recherche) networks, to which several members of our academic staff contribute through projects and common scientific events.


The first research group launched at the initiative of CERI and led by our centre was officially created on 1 January 2020. The GRAM - Research Group on Multilateral Action - brings together the research community on the practices and representations of multilateralism in its broadest sense, i.e. from intergovernmental organizations to more diffuse modes of non-institutionalized international cooperation. It federates 10 laboratories (UMRs and host teams) in France and includes more than fifty researchers of all statuses. It is led by Frédéric Ramel and Guillaume Devin.

GIS Asie
The overarching aim of the French Academic Network for Asian Studies (GIS Asie) is to bring together, coordinate and support the communities in the field of Asian studies that have a connection with France. It includes 80% of the community, i.e. 1,130 scholars, in 30 research teams located in France, Belgium and Asia. These teams belong to 22 universities and research institutions that are joined together by an agreement that formalizes the network. Christophe Jaffrelot is a member of the Scientific board of the French Academic Network for Asian Studies (GIS Asie).


GIS Scientific Interest Group Middle East and the Islamic World (MOMM)
The Scientific Interest Group on the Middle East and the Muslim World (Moyen-Orient et Mondes musulmans, MOMM) was created in 2013. Its objective is to bring together all French research teams working on this theme, regardless of their discipline (history, geography, political science, sociology, anthropology, history of art, literature, Islamology, philosophy). This GIS focuses in particular on the Middle East and the Maghreb. It also covers the Muslim world which, with its shared history and culture, has spread from its heartland in the Middle East westwards to Morocco and eastwards through Central Asia to India and South-East Asia. CERI joined this GIS in 2015. Elise Massicard is member of the Scientific Board, while Alain Dieckhoff (deputy: Stéphanie Latte-Abdallah) represents CERI within this GIS.


GIS Etudes africaines en France
This GIS is the successor of a former network called Réseau Thématique Pluridisciplinaire Études africaines. This GIS has been created to allow for an improved visibility of African studies in France and beyond. It aims at creating a link between the research centres, departments and individual researchers working in this field, and in particular for those researchers whose department’s specialization may be different. Richard Banégas, Laurent Fourchard, Sandrine Perrot and Roland Marchal contribute to this GIS on a regular basis.


GIS Religions - textes, pratiques, pouvoirs
Established in 2018, this GIS follows six main research themes: beliefs, representations and everyday practices of social actors; political role of religions; future of faith and religious practices in a pluralist and globalized world; religious beliefs and economic dimensions within society; production and circulation of religious texts; the spaces of religion. Alain Dieckhoff represents CERI within this GIS (deputy: Kathy Rousselet).


GDR Connaissance de l'Europe médiane
This GDR has two main objectives. The first is both prospective and organizational and seeks to connect all academics in France working on the Central-European area. The second, intellectual objective deals with the conditions of the production of knowledge, which includes historians (who initiated the project) but also specialists of literature, civilizations, political science, sociology and geography. Antonela Capelle-Pogacean, Nadège Ragaru and Jacques Rupnik are members of this GDR’s steering committee.


GDR Climalex
The ClimaLex group “Climat et Normes, regards Interdisciplinaires” (Climate and norms, interdisciplinary perspectives) aims at creating a network of activities for member teams in order to generate new problematics linked to normativity in the field of climate change. Sandrine Revet is part of the steering committee of this GDR.

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