Archives - Publications and Beyond
This page presents the various supplemental material published in relation to recent academic works by CERI scholars in chronological order over the past quarter.
The supplemental material provided here—written interviews, podcasts, articles, online resources—offers a new focus on research and access to it through other formats than the work itself. All of this material is freely accessible online.
Beyond this page,
the full list of academic publications is available.
Street-Level Governing. Negotiating the State in Urban Turkey
Stanford, Stanford University Press (Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic Societies and Cultures), 2022, 344 p.
Muhtars, the lowest level elected political position in Turkey, hold an ambiguously defined place within the administrative hierarchy. They are public officials, but local citizens do not always associate them with the central government. Street-Level Governing is the first book to investigate how muhtars carry out their role—not only what they are supposed to do, but how they actually operate—to provide an ethnographic study of the state as viewed from its margins. It starts from the premise that the seeming "margin" of state administration is not peripheral at all, but instructive as to how it functions. As Elise Massicard shows, muhtars exist at the intersection of everyday life and the exercise of power. Their position offers a personalized point of contact between citizens and state institutions, enabling close oversight of the citizenry, yet simultaneously projecting the sense of an accessible state to individuals. Challenging common theories of the state, Massicard outlines how the position of the muhtar throws into question an assumed dichotomy between domination and social resistance, and suggests that considerations of circumvention and accommodation are normal attributes of state-society functioning.
Autour de la publication
Entretiens du CERI
16 June 2022
The State from its Margins: A perspective from street level Turkey
Interview with Elise Massicard, by Miriam Périer
20 December 2019
Keyman Podcast - Elise Massicard
Interview with Elise Massicard, Keyman Podcast
Ricard Zapata-Barrero, Dirk Jacobs, Riva Kastoryano (eds)
London, Routledge, 2021, 276 p.
This volume demonstrates that migration- and diversity-related concepts are always contested, and provides a reflexive critical awareness and better comprehension of the complex questions driving migration studies. The main purpose of this volume is to enhance conceptual thinking on migration studies. Examining interaction between concepts in the public domain, the academic disciplines, and the policy field, this book helps to avoid simplification or even trivialization of complex issues. Recent political events question established ways of looking at issues of migration and diversity and require a clarification or reinvention of political concepts to match the changing world. Applying five basic dimensions, each expert chapter contribution reflects on the role concepts play and demonstrates that concepts are ideology dependent, policy/politics dependent, context dependent, discipline dependent, and language dependent, and are influenced by how research is done, how policies are formulated, and how political debates extend and distort them. This book will be essential reading for students, scholars, and practitioners in migration studies/politics, migrant integration, citizenship studies, racism studies, and more broadly of key interest to sociology, political science, and political theory.
Autour de la publication
Entretiens du CERI
16 May 2022
Conceptual Thinking on Migration Studies
Interview with Riva Kastoryano, Ricard Zapatta-Barero & Dirk Jacobs, by Miriam Périer
Christian Lequesne (ed.)
Ministries of Foreign Affairs in the World. Actors of State Diplomacy
Brill (Diplomatic Studies, Vol. 18), 2022.
Ministries of foreign affairs are prominent institutions at the heart of state diplomacy. Although they have lost their monopoly on the making of national foreign policies, they still are the operators of key practices associated with diplomacy: communication, representation and negotiation. Often studied in a monographic way, ministries of foreign affairs are undergoing an adaptation of their practices that require a global approach. This book fills a gap in the literature by approaching ministries of foreign affairs in a comparative and comprehensive way. The best international specialists in the field provide methodological and theoretical insights into how best to study institutions that remain crucial for the world diplomacy.
Autour de la publication
Entretiens du CERI
20 April 2022
Understanding Ministries of Foreign Affairs in the World
Interview with Christian Lequesne, by Miriam Périer
10 May 2022
Ministries of Foreign Affairs in the World. Actors of State Diplomacy
Anne de Tinguy (ed.)
Les Dossiers du CERI, April 2022.
The "special military operation" launched in Ukraine on 24 February by Vladimir Putin is in fact a high-intensity war that marks a tipping point. One month after the beginning of the offensive, the result expected by the Kremlin does not seem to have been achieved. The human and material toll is extremely high. Why has Russia engaged so violently in an operation that seems likely to produce only casualties? Is this war the symptom of a neo-imperialism that continues to permeate Moscow's view of Ukraine thirty years after the collapse of the Soviet empire? Is it the result of a conflict between two development models, the authoritarian and conservative one carried by Russia and the democratic and liberal one carried by the West? This Dossier du CERI focuses on the stakes and consequences of this conflict.
Autour de la publication
War in Ukraine
Selection of online resources and books on the war in Ukraine
Catherine Lejeune, Delphine Pagès-El Karoui, Camille Schmoll, Hélène Thiollet (eds)
Migration, Urbanity and Cosmopolitanism in a Globalized World
Springer (IMISCOE Research Series), 2021.
This open access book draws a theoretically productive triangle between urban studies, theories of cosmopolitanism, and migration studies in a global context. It provides a unique, encompassing and situated view on the various relations between cosmopolitanism and urbanity in the contemporary world. Drawing on a variety of cities in Latin America, Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, it overcomes the Eurocentric bias that has marked debate on cosmopolitanism from its inception. The contributions highlight the crucial role of migrants as actors of urban change and targets of urban policies, thus reconciling empirical and normative approaches to cosmopolitanism. By addressing issues such as cosmopolitanism and urban geographies of power, locations and temporalities of subaltern cosmopolites, political meanings and effects of cosmopolitan practices and discourses in urban contexts, it revisits contemporary debates on superdiversity, urban stratification and local incorporation, and assess the role of migration and mobility in globalization and social change.
Autour de la publication
05 April 2022
Migrants and the city. A comparative perspective
Camille Schmoll (EHESS), Aurélie Varrel (CEIAS/CNRS) and Hélène Thiollet (CNRS/CERI), EHESS Spring Talks
Modi's India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy
Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2021, 656 p.
Over the past two decades, thanks to Narendra Modi, Hindu nationalism has been coupled with a form of national-populism that has ensured its success at the polls, first in Gujarat and then in India at large. Modi managed to seduce a substantial number of citizens by promising them development and polarizing the electorate along ethno-religious lines. Both facets of this national-populism found expression in a highly personalized political style as Modi related directly to the voters through all kinds of channels of communication in order to saturate the public space.
Translation of L'Inde de Modi : national-populisme et démocratie ethnique, Fayard (Paris), March 2019.
Autour de la publication
25 March 2022
Ethnic Nationalism's Stronghold on India
Focus by Sciences Po, with Christophe Jaffrelot
09 November 2021
Modi's India Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy with Christophe Jaffrelot
Online event by the Illiberalism Studies Program, GW's Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES)
16 October 2021
Modi's India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy — A Book Adda
A debate with Christophe Jaffrelot, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
06 October 2021
Narendra Modi and India's New Political System
Interview with Christophe Jaffrelot, by Mila Vaishnav, Grand Tamasha
News media
15 December 2021
Hindu Nationalism, a Movement, not a Mandate
A review by Alf Gunvald Nilsen, Public Books
11 December 2021
'Modi's India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy' review: The Collapse of Democracy
Book review by Ananya Vajpeyi, The Hindu
16 November 2021
Best books of 2021: Politics
Gideon Rachman, Financial Times
25 August 2021
To Kill a Democracy and Modi’s India — a dream in peril
Book review, by James Crabtree, Financial Times
Alain Dieckhoff, Christophe Jaffrelot, Elise Massicard (eds)
New York, Palgrave Macmillan (Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy), 2022.
Populism is on the rise, and so are academic studies on populism. The study of populism has long focused on the way its spokespersons have behaved as an oppositional force, in Western countries in particular. While discourses and practices of populists exercising a protest function still merit attention, this volume trains the focus on populists in government. The real novelty of the past decade is that many populists are now (or have been) in power, in Europe as well as in other parts of the world, and this book intends to play a pioneering role from a geographical and analytical standpoint. Besides Europe and Latin America, where populism is well established, populists are today—or have been recently—in office in the Middle East (Turkey, Israel), Asia (India, Thailand, the Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), and the United States. In most of the cases, their rule has resulted in forms of authoritarianism, giving birth to a new kind of regime that combines elections—which populists need to nurture their legitimacy—and attacks against institutions in charge of checks and balances, including the judiciary. While most of the populist rulers have consolidated their power, democratic resilience has prevailed in some rare cases.
Autour de la publication
Entretien du CERI
02 March 2022
Who are the Contemporary Populists in Power?
Interview with Alain Dieckhoff, Christophe Jaffrelot and Elise Massicard, by Miriam Périer
Corentin Cohen
Les Etudes du CERI, No. 258, December 2021.
Si les confraternités nigérianes occupent une place croissante dans les médias au nom de la menace criminelle qu’elles représentent, elles n’ont fait l’objet d’aucun travail de recherche de terrain au Nigeria ni en Europe. Cette médiatisation alimente une confusion croissante entre les catégorisations juridico-policières qui sont utilisées pour les définir et les pratiques et discours panafricains, de solidarité ou d’émancipation, qu’elles mettent en avant. L’approche socio-historique développée dans cette étude permet de mettre en perspective l’expansion globale des confraternités depuis les années 2000, et de proposer un autre regard sur le rôle de ces sociétés secrètes et leur inscription dans des économies politiques et des territoires différents. En Europe, les confraternités sont d’abord des institutions sociales encadrant la jeunesse et les diasporas. Elles assurent la reproduction du pouvoir des élites tradition-nelles et politiques à l’étranger par la captation des rentes liées aux migrations (remittances), et jouent donc un rôle clé dans la production d’une forme de mondialisation de la société nigériane par le bas, participant à l’implantation des institutions morales et sociales du sud du pays en Europe. Derrière un discours d’empowerment et de solidarité, les confraternités sont ainsi un réseau transnational qui per-pétue un ordre conservateur, une hiérarchie sociale et des inégalités qu’elles contribuent à naturaliser.
Autour de la publication
Entretiens du CERI
21 February 2022
Nigerian Confraternities out to Conquer the World? Interview with Corentin Cohen
Entretien avec Corentin Cohen, par Corinne Deloy
05 January 2022
Les confraternités nigérianes à la conquête du monde ?
Entretien avec Corentin Cohen, par Corinne Deloy
21 February 2022
Nigerian Confraternities to Conquer the World?
Etude du CERI n°258bis, December 2021, by Corentin Cohen
Anne de Tinguy (ed.)
Les Études du CERI, n°261-262, February 2022.
Regards sur l’Eurasie. L’année politique est une publication annuelle du Centre de recherches internationales de Sciences Po (CERI) dirigée par Anne de Tinguy. Elle propose des clefs de compréhension des événements et des phénomènes qui marquent de leur empreinte les évolutions d’une région, l’espace postsoviétique, en profonde mutation depuis l’effondrement de l’Union soviétique en 1991. Forte d’une approche transversale qui ne prétend nullement à l’exhaustivité, elle vise à identifier les grands facteurs explicatifs, les dynamiques régionales et les enjeux sous-jacents.
Autour de la publication
17 February 2022
L'Eurasie 30 ans après: Un anniversaire sous tension
Débat à l'occasion de la parution de Regards sur l'Eurasie. L'année politique 2021
Entretiens du CERI
07 February 2022
L'Eurasie 30 ans après l'effondrement de l'URSS
Entretien avec Anne de Tinguy, par Corinne Deloy
06 February 2022
Les nouvelles routes de la soie chinoises en Asie centrale. Un projet mutuellement bénéfique?
Entretien avec Sébastien Peyrouse, par Corinne Deloy
Analyses du CERI
14 February 2022
Kazakhstan: une nouvelle victoire pour Vladimir Poutine?
Un article de Bayram Balci
03 February 2022
Popular Protests in Kazakhstan: A New Victory for Poutin's Political Agenda?
An article by Bayram Balci
Disasterland. An Ethnography of the International Disaster Community
Cham, Palgrave Macmillan (The Sciences Po Series in International Relations and Political Economy), 2020, 236 p.
Translated by Cynthia Schoch and Katharine Throssell
This book analyses the making of the international world of ‘natural’ disasters by its professionals. Through a long-term ethnographic study of this arena, the author unveils the various elements that are necessary for the construction of an international world: a collective narrative, a shared language, and standardized practices. The book analyses the two main framings that these professionals use to situate themselves with regards to a disaster: preparedness and resilience, arguing that the making of the world of ‘natural’ disasters reveals how heterogeneous, conflicting, and sometimes competing elements are put together.
Translation of Les coulisses du monde des catastrophes « naturelles », published by Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme (Le (bien) commun) in Septembre 2018.
Autour de la publication
30 January 2022
Catastrophes “naturelles” ?
Entretien avec Sandrine Revet, par Louise Baumann et Loïc Le Dé, L'Envers des Catastrophes
Entretiens du CERI
30 April 2020
Behind the Scenes of 'Natural Disasters'
Interview with Sandrine Revet, by Miriam Périer
20 November 2018
Les coulisses du monde des catastrophes « naturelles »
Entretien avec Sandrine Revet, par Miriam Périer
27 February 2019
The researcher's word
Entretien avec Sandrine Revet, Alternatives Humanitaires
26 November 2018
Les coulisses du monde des catastrophes « naturelles » - Sandrine Revet
Entretien avec Sandrine Revet, Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme