Indo-Pacific seen from Australia
Indo-Pacific seen from Australia

For no other country, with the possible exception of Indonesia, does the notion of the Indo-Pacific also serve so strongly as a form of self-description. Indeed, the term entered official discourse in both countries in the same year, 2013...

Indo-Pacific seen from European Union
Indo-Pacific seen from European Union

After having been reluctant to take over the frame of the “Indo-Pacific” for the last years, the European Union (EU) adopted the concept early this year and released an official strategy this September...

Indo-Pacific seen from France
Indo-Pacific seen from France

France has the particularity of having interests of sovereignty in the region. The country sees itself as a “sovereign nation of the Indo-Pacific”...

Indo-Pacific seen from Germany
Indo-Pacific seen from Germany


Indo-Pacific seen from India
Indo-Pacific seen from India

India has been one of the first countries to adopt the concept of the Indo-Pacific. In particular, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared his vision of the Indo-Pacific for the first time on June 1, 2018 at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore...

Indo-Pacific seen from Indonesia
Indo-Pacific seen from Indonesia


Indo-Pacific seen from Japan
Indo-Pacific seen from Japan

To this day, Japan’s approach to the Indo-Pacific has borne the mark of Shinzô Abe, Japan’s  longest serving Prime Minister...

Indo-Pacific seen from United-Kingdom
Indo-Pacific seen from United-Kingdom


Indo-Pacific seen from United States
Indo-Pacific seen from United States

Building upon several decades of enhanced American focus and presence in the Asia-Pacific, the United States (US) has been, since the late 2010s, one of the leading proponents of the ‘Indo-Pacific’ construct...

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Webinar – « The EU and the Indo-Pacific What Strategy, with which Partners? »

This conference features a series of roundtable sessions discussing the current geopolitical transformations taking place in the Indo-Pacific. The objective of this event is to debate the stakes of these evolutions, their implications for our understanding of international politics in Asia…

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The Republic of Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy and Its Implications for ASEAN-ROK Relations

Upcoming Event
Wednesday, 19 April 2023 | 10:00‒11:00 a.m. (CEST) | 5:00‒6:00 p.m. (KST) |

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Opening session of the Franco-German Observatory of the Indo-Pacific

Co organized by Sciences Po-Ceri and The German Institute for Global and Area Studies (Giga)

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