Australia - Newspaper Articles & Oped

Trade and Ukraine on agenda for new Morrison and Modi meeting

March 2022

This article, published by the Sydney Morning Herald, discusses the agenda for the Indo-Australian summit.

US Indo-Pacific strategy presents opportunities for Australia to broaden its view of security

March 2022

Bridi Rice and Melissa Conley Tyler, writing for the Strategist outline the opportunities for the United States of America and Australia to cooperate to enhance security in the region.

Integrating AUKUS into the Indo-Pacific

September 2021

In this article Ramesh Thakur discusses the position the coalition of Australia, United Kingdom and the United States of America (AUKUS) in the Indo-Pacific region which is crowded with a plethora of regional groupings.

AUKUS Reshapes the Strategic Landscape of the Indo-Pacific

September 2021

Published in the Economist, this article analyses how the trilateral maritime alliance, AUKUS will reshape the Indo-Pacific’s strategic landscape.

‘We Favour Freedom’ : Quad Leaders Offer China Alternative at Historic Summit

September 2021

Matthew Knott in the Sydney Morning Herald reported that the Quad leaders presented a united front in the summit as an alternative to China.

AUKUS Sets a Better Direction for Australia’s Defense

September 2021

Peter Jennings in this article argues that the AUKUS alliance sends a message to China and the stronger the AUKUS is, the less likely is the possibility of an attack on Taiwan.

The Strategic Symbolism of Australia’s Nuclear Subs

September 2021

This article discusses how Australia’s announcement that it will be building nuclear-powered submarines in a trilateral alliance with America and Britain – AUKUS will have an immediate strategic impact in the Indo-Pacific.

How Franco-Australian Cooperation Can Help Stabilize the Indo-Pacific

April 2021

Pierre Morcos analyses how the strategic alignment of France and Australia with a common approach as neighbours in the Indo-Pacific can promote a rules-based order that protects sovereignty, fosters trade, and preserves peace.