Political Behaviour Seminar
Organized by Romain Lachat & Daniel Rubenson
In the framework of the Cevipof Political Behaviour Seminar, scholars working on elections and public opinion will present some of their current research. The seminar covers a wide range of approaches, research questions, and methods. In each session, an invited scholar will present a recent working paper or research project. The sessions normally take place on Thursdays, 12h30-14h00, at the Cevipof (salle Percheron).
- Chris Dawes (New York University). The Relationship Between Genes, Education, and Voter Turnout
- December 7 Pavlos Vasilopoulos (Cevipof) : "Fear, Anger and Voting for the Far right: Evidence from the November 13, 2015 Paris Terror Attacks"
- January 26. Markus Wagner (University of Vienna) The electoral appeal of party strategies in post-industrial societies: when can the Mainstream Left succeed?
- February 16. Jean-Benoit Pilet (Université Libre de Bruxelles) « When leaders overshadow everyone else. Centralized vs. Decentralized personalization and the Belgian Elections.»
- March 22 Torun Dewan (London School of Economics) Mid-Victorian Voting: Party Orientation and Class Alignment Revisited
- March 30. Karine van der Straeten (Toulouse School of Economics) Voting corrupt politicians out of office: Evidence from an Experiment in Paraguay »
- April 13 Clémence Tricaud (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris Saclay University) Strategic or Expressive Voters? Evidence from a RDD in French Elections
- April 20 Scott Matthews (Memorial University Newfoundland and University of Mannheim) Issue Priming Revisited: Susceptible Voters and Detactable Effects
- April 27. Andy Eggers (University of Oxford) Who votes strategically?
- May 11. Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (University of Mannheim) Voter perceptions of party incompetence in German Federal Elections
- June 1rst. Stanley Feldman (Stony Brook University) The Dynamics of Authoritarianism in American National Elections
- June 8. Dominik Hangartner (London School of Economics) Waking Up the Golden Dawn: The Impact of the Refugee Crisis on Anti-immigrant Sentiment and Support for Extreme-Right Parties
- June 15 Peter Selb (University of Konstanz) An Instant Runoff Forecast of the 2017 French Presidential Election
Contact Us
Address: 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris
Ph.: +33 (0)1 45 49 51 05
Email: info.cevipof@sciencespo.fr