Comment l'Internet a-t-il transformé nos vies ?

Le 2 juillet 2018 de 14h à 17h30 - Amphi Caquot

Vue aérienne de la Tour Eiffel en nov. 2016 crédit Shutterstock

Conférence annuelle de la World Internet Project (EN) co-organisée par le CEVIPOF, IMT Atllantique & Marsouin


  • Jeffrey Cole, Director of the Center for the Digital Future at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, founder of the World Internet Project
  • Margot Beauchamps, Coordinator of M@rsouin Network, IMT Atlantique, France
  • Everette E. Dennis, CEO of Northwestern University in Qatar
  • Sergio Godoy, University of Santiago, Chile
  • Ellen Helsper, Associate Professor in Media and Communication London School of Economics, UK
  • Tong-yi Huang, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Nicolas Jullien, Scientific Director of M@rsouin Research Network
  • Michael Latzer, Professor at the Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Oriane Ledroit, French National Digital Agency
  • Petr Lupac, Associate Professor in Sociology, Katedra Sociologie, Prague, Czech Republic
  • Thierry Vedel, Center for Political Research at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF)

Lire le programme (PDF, 1,23Mo) EN

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