Cognitive perspectives in political behavior

Cognitive perspectives in political behavior

07 mars 2019
9h30-12h salle Percheron
  • THE POLITICAL BRAIN by Drew Westen. FlickrTHE POLITICAL BRAIN by Drew Westen. Flickr

Journée d'études organisé par Lou Safra.

Intervenants :

  • Kevin Arceneaux (Temple University) A Need for Chaos and the Sharing of Hostile Political Rumors in Advanced Democracies
  • Coralie Chevallier (Ecole normale supérieure) The psychology of pessimism in political choices
  • Marwa El Zein (University College London) Shared responsibility in collective decision-making 
  • Pierre Jacquet (Ecole normale supérieure) The ecological roots of human susceptibility to social influence and obedience to authority
  • Manos Tsakiris (University of London) When the lens is too wide : the visual dehumanisation of refugees and its political consequences


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