7th Sciences Po Graduate Conference

6-7 juin 2019 Crossroads of Critique: Axel Honneth and the Frankfurt School 


The Sciences Po Graduate Conference in Political Theory 2019 is dedicated to the thought of Axel Honneth and the 'Frankfurt School Project' of critical theory.

Over the last three decades, Axel Honneth has played a crucial role in giving new life to the post-Kantian tradition. As the leading voice of the Frankfurt School after Habermas, his work has been responsible for renewed interest in critical theory. His early engagement with Foucault, his turn to Hegel's notion of recognition for a new social theory as well as, more recently, Honneth's work on the institutional conditions of a 'democratic ethical life,' and, finally, his reappraisal of 'social freedom' as the normative idea of the socialist tradition represent only some of the most remarkable contributions he has made to contemporary theorizing.

important note: if you wish to attend the conference, please register under “RSVP"


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