Publications de Grégoire Mallard

Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture

Mallard, Grégoire and Martial Foucault. 2011. "The Fractal Process of European Integration: A Formal Theory of Recursivity in the Field of European Security." French Politics, Culture and Society 29 (2): 68-89.

Mallard, Grégoire and Martial Foucault. 2011. "The Fractal Process of European Integration: A Formal Theory of Recursivity in the Field of European Security." French Politics, Culture and Society 29 (2): 68-89.

Mallard, Grégoire and Martial Foucault. 2011. "The Fractal Process of European Integration: A Formal Theory of Recursivity in the Field of European Security." French Politics, Culture and Society 29 (2): 68-89.

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