Publications de

Chapitre d’ouvrage

Cinalli, Manlio. 2005. "Below and beyond power sharing: relational structures across institutions and civil society." In Power-sharing: new challenges for divided societies, ed. Ian Oflynn and David Russell, 172-187. London: Pluto Press.

Bassoli, Matteo, Manlio Cinalli and Marco Giugni. 2014. "Who are the Powerful Actors? An Analysis of Brokerage in the Networks of Organizations Dealing with Unemployment and Precarity." In Civil Society Organizations, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: Between Service and Policy, ed. Simone Baglioni and Marco Giugni, 157-174. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Work and Welfare in Europe.

Cinalli, Manlio and Marco Giugni. 2014. "The Impact of Political Opportunity Structures on the Politicization of Civil Society Organizations in the Field of Unemployment and Precarity." In Civil Society Organizations, Unemployment, and Precarity in Europe: Between Service and Policy, ed. Simone Baglioni and Marco Giugni, 85-106. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Work and Welfare in Europe.

Cinalli, Manlio. 2007. "Between Horizontal Bridging and Vertical Governance: Pro-Beneficiary Movements in New Labour Britain." In Civil Societies and Social Movements: Potentials and Problems, ed. Derrick Purdue, 88-108. London: Routledge.

Communication orale sans acte dans un congrès international ou national

Cinalli, Manlio. 2009. "La participation politique en période de crise : une réflexion sur le rôle du capital social, de la perte de confiance et de la position des individus dans le marché du travail." Paper presented at the Journées d’étude "Penser les dimensions politiques des effets de la crise", Paris - CEVIPOF, FRANCE.

Cinalli, Manlio. 2005. "Mobilisation and networks within multi-organisational fields: a comparative analysis of the pro-immigrants movement in Italy and the UK." Paper presented at the Comparative research workshop on "Political Mobilization: Migrants, Refugees and Ethnic Minorities", organized by the Department of Social and Political Sciences, European University Institute, Florence, April 11-12.

Cinalli, Manlio. 2005. "Assessing the Multi-Level relational Structure of the Unemployment Issue-Field in the UK and the UE." Paper presented at the UNEMPOL Conference, Genève, April 1-2.

Cinalli, Manlio. 2012. "The political participation of migrants and the unemployed in France: A comparison of relational dynamics within multi-organisational fields." Paper presented at the ESA Research Network 32 - Political Sociology, University of Milan - Milan, ITALY.

Cinalli, Manlio. 2009. "La participation politique en période de crise : une réflexion sur le rôle du capital social, de la perte de confiance et de la position des individus dans le marché du travail." Paper presented at the Journées d’étude "Penser les dimensions politiques des effets de la crise", Paris - CEVIPOF, FRANCE.

Cinalli, Manlio. 2005. "Comparing issue-fields in the UK across the national and sub-national levels : social networks and pro-beneficiary movements in Bradford and Barnsley, in the region of Yorkshire." Paper presented at the RC21 Conference "Cities as a social fabric: fragmentation and integration", Paris, FRANCE.

Cinalli, Manlio. 2005. "Unemployment in Europe : a network approach." Paper presented at the Conference on Unemployment Movements in Europe, Oxford, January 1.

Communication avec actes dans un congrès national

Cinalli, Manlio. 2008. "Le due dimensioni di “individuo” e “gruppo” per l’integrazione degli immigrati e delle minoranze nelle democrazie contemporanee." In Città e civiltà : nuove frontiere di cittadinanza, Parma, University of Parma, ed. Alessandro Bosi, 134-145. Parma: Università degli Studi di Parma.

Cinalli, Manlio. 2008. "Le due dimensioni di “individuo” e “gruppo” per l’integrazione degli immigrati e delle minoranze nelle democrazie contemporanee." In Città e civiltà : nuove frontiere di cittadinanza, Parma, University of Parma, ed. Alessandro Bosi, 134-145. Parma: Università degli Studi di Parma.

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