Publications de

Communication avec actes dans un congrès national

Gaultier-Voituriez, Odile. 2016. "La guerre vue de Paris par Étienne de Nalèche, directeur du Journal des Débats." In Écrire en guerre, 1914-1918: des archives privées aux usages publics, ed. Paule René-Bazin and Philippe Henwood, 31-42. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes. Histoire.

Communication orale sans acte dans un congrès international ou national

Cadorel, Sarah, Odile Gaultier-Voituriez and Emilie Groshens. 2016. "L' enquête qualitative comme objet archivistique: Le cas du partenariat Archipolis-BeQuali." Paper presented at the Association des archivistes français, Forum des archivistes, Meta/morphose, les archives bouillon de culture numérique, Troyes, FRANCE.

Gaultier-Voituriez, Odile. 2008. "La formation des chercheurs du Centre de recherche politique de Sciences Po aux ressources documentaires." Paper presented at the Journée ADBS-Recherche, Institut Pasteur, Paris, FRANCE, May 20.

Gaultier-Voituriez, Odile and Dominique Parcollet. 2017. "Le 570 AP et les archives Blum revenues de Moscou, un même fonds, très fécond." Paper presented at the Archives nationales et Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po, Atelier de recherche Les acteurs politiques, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, FRANCE, October 13-13.

Van Hauwaert, Steven and Anja Durovic. 2015. "A multi-dimensional analysis of political participation and gender in Europe: The importance of context as a conditioning effect for participatory gender inequalities." Paper presented at the 73th annual Midwest Political Science Association Conference (MPSA), Chicago, UNITED STATES, April 16-19.

2019. "Michel Debré et la recherche." Paper presented at the Michel Debré et ses archives, Archives nationales, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, FRANCE, January 31-31.

Gaultier-Voituriez, Odile. 2019. "Archelec, les archives électorales françaises de la Ve République, du papier au numérique: reflet fidèle ou distorsion ?" Paper presented at the DHNord 2019 Corpus et archives numériques, Lille, MESHS, FRANCE, October 17-18.

Garcia, Guillaume and Odile Gaultier-Voituriez. 2016. "Bilan et perspectives du consortium Archipolis."

Gaultier-Voituriez, Odile and Vivien Richard. 2019. "Histoire et traitement scientifique des archives de Michel Debré." Paper presented at the Michel Debré et ses archives, Archives nationales, Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, FRANCE, January 31-31.

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2015. "L’Europe face aux droites radicales populistes : positions partisanes et demandes électorales." Paper presented at the L’identité européenne en crise ? Les stratégies d’appropriation et de redéfinition de la notion d’identité européenne par les acteurs d’extrême droite et de populisme de droite, Fulda, GERMANY, January 30-31.

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2014. "The Front National: Party change and voting for the radical right in France." Paper presented at the Rechtspopulismus und Rechtsextremismus in Europa, Kassel, GERMANY, December 10-10.

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2008. "Inequality, Identity and the People: New Patterns of Right-Wing Competition and Sarkozy's ‘Winning Formula' in the 2007 French Presidential Election." Paper presented at the American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting, Boston, UNITED STATES.

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2013. "Successful Welfare-Chauvinism? The transformation of the Front National’s economic programme (1984-2012)." Paper presented at the 20th International Conference of Europeanists, Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS, June 25-27.

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2011. "Evaluating the populist challenge: partisanship and the making of immigration policy in France (1974-2011)." Paper presented at the 18th International Conference of Europeanists, Barcelona, SPAIN, June 20-22.

Ivaldi, Gilles, Maria Elisabetta Lanzone, and Fabio Sozi. 2016. "Eurosceptic Parties and the EU: MEPs’ attitudes in the roll-call votes. A cross-country analysis (Italy, France and UK)." Paper presented at the PSA 66th Annual International Conference, Brighton, UNITED KINGDOM, March 21-23.

Evans, Jocelyn and Gilles Ivaldi. 2012. "Forecasting the FN presidential and legislative performance in 2012." Paper presented at the APSA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, UNITED STATES.

Ivaldi, Gilles and Oscar Mazzoleni. 2017. "The Radical Right’s Politics of Economic Nationalism: A comparison between the French Front National (FN) and the Swiss People’s party (SVP)." Paper presented at the International Workshop “Citizens, Parties and Leaders in European Uncertainty – Claims for the National Sovereignty, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND, November 10-11.

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2012. "The Front National in France: party organization, elected representatives and grassroots." Paper presented at the Workshop on “Comparative Survey of Territorial Party Representation and Organization”, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND, September 7-8.

Dutozia, Jérôme and Gilles Ivaldi. 2016. "Le vote Front national à Nice: Contextualiser le vote d'extrême-droite : analyse des dynamiques sociales dans les bureaux de vote niçois." Paper presented at the Journée d’Etudes sur « Les élections régionales de 2015 », Nice, FRANCE, June 14-14.

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2012. "The Successful Welfare-Chauvinist Party? The Front National in the 2012 elections in France." Paper presented at the ESA's Research Network on Political Sociology (RN32) Mid-term conference, Milano, ITALY.

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2016. "Successful Mobilization against the EU? The Front National Populist Politics of Euroscepticism in France." Paper presented at the The Populist Politics of Euroscepticism amidst Critical Junctures, Pragues, CZECH REPUBLIC, September 7-10.

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2015. "Conceptual and Methodological issues in coding FN’s economic manifestos." Paper presented at the Workshop on “What's Left of the Radical Right”, Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS, January 19-21.

Ivaldi, Gilles, Maria Elisabetta Lanzone, and Dwayne Woods. 2016. "Variants of European Populism? The rise of (new) populist parties in Italy, France and Spain: A first comparative analysis." Paper presented at the Populism, the new Right and new Parties: what kind of political discourses in Europe?, Pisa, ITALY, June 10-11.

Ivaldi, Gilles and Martin Schain. 2016. "A Comparative Look at Populism in France and the United States." Paper presented at the International Panel on the Rise of the Right in France and the United States, New York, UNITED STATES, May 4-4.

Ivaldi, Gilles, Alex Lehr and Andrej Zaslove. 2016. "Pluralist Populists within Context: the dynamics of support for left and right-wing populism in Europe." Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Pisa, ITALY, April 24-28.

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