
Article dans une revue sans comité de lecture

Barthélemy, Martine and Lucien Jaume. 2011. "Les associations devant la démocratie en France et en Amérique : introduction." La Revue Tocqueville.

Articles de presse

2011. "Esquerda francesa ficou desemparada." Folha de Sao Paulo, May 27.

Chapitre d’ouvrage

Ivaldi, Gilles. 2011. "Le Front national : sortir de l’isolement politique." In Les partis politiques français, ed. Pierre Bréchon, 17-44. La Documentation française.

2011. "Loyalties, Mobilities, Abstentions." In The New Voter in Western Europe: France and Beyond, ed. Cautrès, Bruno and Muxel, Anne, 27-55. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Europe in transition: the NYU European Studies Series.

Tiberj, Vincent. 2011. "The Plurality of Voting Possibilities." In The New Voter in Western Europe: France and Beyond, ed. Bruno Cautrès and Anne Muxel, 57-77. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Europe in transition: the NYU European Studies Series.

2011. "The Process of Electoral Decision Making." In The New Voter in Western Europe: France and Beyond, ed. Cautrès, Bruno and Muxel, Anne, 11-26. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Jadot, Anne. 2011. "When Do Voters Choose ?" In The New Voter in Western Europe: France and Beyond, ed. Bruno Cautrès and Anne Muxel, 101-128. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Graziano, Paolo Roberto, Sophie Jacquot and Bruno Palier. 2011. "Introduction: The Usages of Europe in National Employment-Friendly Welfare State Reforms." In The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms, Europa, Europae, ed. Paolo Roberto Graziano, Bruno Palier and Sophie Jacquot, 1-18. Basingtoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Work and Welfare in Europe .

Caune, Hélène, Sophie Jacquot and Bruno Palier. 2011. "Social Europe In Action: The Evolution of EU Policies and Resources." In The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms, Europa, Europae, ed. Paolo Roberto Graziano, Bruno Palier and Sophie Jacquot, 19-47. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Work and Welfare in Europe .

Caune, Hélène, Sophie Jacquot and Bruno Palier. 2011. "Boasting the National Model: The EU and Welfare State Reforms in France." In The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms, Europa, Europae, ed. Paolo Roberto Graziano, Bruno Palier and Sophie Jacquot, 48-72. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Work and Welfare in Europe.

Graziano, Paolo Roberto, Sophie Jacquot and Bruno Palier. 2011. "Conclusion: Europa, Europae: The Many Faces of Social Europe." In The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms, Europa, Europae, ed. Paolo Roberto Graziano, Bruno Palier and Sophie Jacquot, 316-324. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Work and Welfare in Europe .

Direction d'ouvrage

Cautrès, Bruno and Anne Muxel, ed(s). 2011. The New Voter in Western Europe: France and Beyond. Basinstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Cautrès, Bruno and Anne Muxel, ed(s). 2011. The New Voter in Western Europe: France and Beyond. Basinstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Reynié, Dominique, ed(s). 2011. L’Opinion européenne en 2011. La Fondation Robert Schuman.

Graziano, Paolo Roberto, Sophie Jacquot and Bruno Palier, ed(s). 2011. The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms: Europa, Europae. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Reynié, Dominique, ed(s). 2011. L' Opinion européenne en 2011. 12e. paris: Editions Lignes de Repères.


Brouard, Sylvain and Vincent Tiberj. 2011. As French as Everyone Else?: A Survey of French Citizens of Maghrebin, African and Turkish French. Philadephia: Temple University Press.

Brouard, Sylvain and Vincent Tiberj. 2011. As French as Everyone Else?: A Survey of French Citizens of Maghrebin, African and Turkish French. Philadephia: Temple University Press.

Cautrès, Bruno and Nicolas Monceau. 2011. La Turquie en Europe : l’opinion des Européens et des Turcs. Académique. Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.

Article dans une revue avec comité de lecture

Nadeau, Richard, Martial Foucault and Michael Lewis-Beck. 2011. "Assets and Risk: A Neglected Dimension of Economic Voting." French Politics 9 (2): 97-119.

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