Alexandre Escudier

Alexandre Escudier has been a Research Fellow at CEVIPOF-Sciences Po (FNSP) since 2004. His research focuses on the history of political ideas, Political philosophy, Franco-German relations. His research is structured     by two main themes. The first of these covers the consciousness of historicity among the Moderns since the 18th century, both in terms of intellectual history and historical semantics. In this sense, he studies not only the epistemological foundations of modern philosophies of history but also their political roots and their ideological implications, particularly in the 19th and 20th centuries. The second theme covers the crisis of contemporary representative democracies. In this context, he is particularly interested not only in "crisis discourses"  which    "words" are publicly used to describe which type of "crisis") but above all in the concrete interweaving between different levels (material and ideological) of the contemporary democratic polycrisis and the need for new technologies to allow an exit from the Capitalocene to occur.

Research Fields

History of political ideas, Political philosophy, Franco-German relations

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