Arnaud Miranda
Since September 2019, Arnaud Miranda has been a doctoral student in political theory, affiliated with Sciences Po Law School and the CEVIPOF.
After completing a BA in philosophy at the Sorbonne (Paris IV) and graduating from Sciences Po's undergraduate programme, in 2017, he obtained a master's degree (summa cum laude) in Political Theory at Sciences Po (2019). He was the recipient of a Doctoral Fellowship for three years, after which he was a visiting doctoral fellow at Oxford University's DPIR (OxPo program) and subsequently at Cambridge University's POLIS department (CamPo programme). After being an ATER (a state-funded temporary contract researcher) at Sciences Po (2022-2023), he is currently an ATER in the political science department at UVSQ.
His thesis, jointly supervised by Julie Saada and Jean-Yves Pranchère, is on the history of political ideas enriched by the contributions of hermeneutics and metaphorology. It is entitled “Les pensées contemporaines de la décadence : un imaginaire antidémocratique”.
Arnaud Miranda is the winner of the Fondation des Treilles “Jeune Chercheur” prize (2024).
His publications focus on decadence (“Qu'est-ce que la décadence”, Alkemie, 2021), the reactionary imaginary (“Rhétoriques écologiques de la mouvance national-populiste”, Études internationales, forthcoming late 2024) and the convergence of critical thinking on modernity (“A metaphysics of the stump: Spengler's Thousand Plateaus”, in The (Un-)Eventful: A Transdisciplinary Journey, Ed. Q. Immisch and P. Kaletsch, Windpark Books, 2024). He also co-edited issue 93 of Raisons politiques (January 2024), in which he translated an article by Quentin Skinner (with Justine Brisson).
Arnaud Miranda teaches political theory and philosophy, history of political ideas and political science.