Camille Collin
Camille Collin is a doctor in political theory associated with the CEVIPOF (Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po).She defended her thesis in december 2024, “The government of the ordinary dead and its ‘universe’: a theory of post-mortem justice” supervised by Astrid Von Busekist (Sciences Po, CERI). She proposes a reflection on the different values that inform how the dead are governed in contemporary France, based on the analysis of three case studies: funeral legislation, the post-mortem organ harvesting system and the contemporary framework for donating one’s body to science.
She holds a Bachelor’s degree in political science from the Université Paris VIII and a Master's degree in political theory from Sciences Po. She has spent time as a visiting doctoral student at Tel Aviv University's School of Philosophy. In 2023, she was awarded the second “Jeunes Chercheur CNAF” prize, on the basis of a proposal for an original academic article.
De l’expérience personnelle à une catégorie de l’action publique: les endeuillés dans les
débats parlementaires, Revue des Politiques sociales et familiales, 2024/1, n°150
« Mort pour la France ». La prise en charge du corps du guerrier depuis 1914,
GAP, Gouvernement et Action Publique, 2021/3 (Vol 10) with Friederike Richter, 2021
Le merle et la philosophe, Terrestres, n°18, 2019. Review of Habiter en Oiseau (Arles, Actes Sud, 2019) by Vinciane Despret.