Claude Dargent
Claude Dargent is a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and holds a Master’s degree in history (Paris 1). He is Agrégé (a prestigious French qualification obtained by competitive examination that allows the recipient to teach at university level) in social sciences and holds a PhD in political science (Paris 1). He was awarded his HDR (a post-doctoral French qualification allowing the holder to supervise doctoral theses) by Sciences Po. He is a professor of sociology at the Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis. He conducts research at the Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris (UMR CNRS/Paris8/Paris Nanterre), which he headed from 2011 to 2013, and is an Associated Researcher at the CEVIPOF.
Claude Dargent headed the sociology department at Université Paris 8 from 2006 to 2011. He was a member of CNRS Commission 40 from 2012 to 2016 and First Vice-President of Université Paris Lumières (Paris 8/Paris Nanterre/CNRS) from 2015 to 2019. He has taught general and political sociology at Sciences Po and at the University of Vienna (Austria).
His research focuses on the sociology of religion, values, attitudes and social norms, and political behaviours. He is also interested in the relationships between these three fields.
Dargent is the author of Les protestants en France aujourd'hui (Payot, 2005) and Sociologie des opinions (Armand Colin, 2011). He co-edited Religions et valeurs en France et en Europe with Bruno Duriez and Raphaël Liogier L'Harmattan, 2009, and Science et religion with Yannick Fer and Raphaël Liogier, Editions du CNRS, 2017. He has also coordinated an issue of Année sociologique: “Sociologie des religions: théories vs données empiriques” in 2021. He is the author of numerous articles on religious and/or political sociology in the Revue française de sociologie, the Revue française de science politique, the Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, Population, Social Compass, French Politics, La Revue européenne des sciences sociales.
Research Fields
Abstention / Participation politique , Classes sociales et catégories socio-professionnelles , Clivages et enjeux politiques européens, Élection présidentielle , Élections cantonales , Élections européennes , Élections législatives , Élections municipales , Élections régionales , Identités territoriales , Laïcité , Opinion publique , Régions , Religion , Sondages et enquêtes d’opinion , Valeurs, Vote